Thursday, July 30, 2009

Success is a choice

I recently discovered a book of success secrets. Everyone knows the tremendous impact of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. That book has become a light, actually more of a beacon,to illuminate the path of many an entrepreneur. Truthfully, it holds tremendous value for everyone regardless of age, profession or economic status. Its virtues are praised as much now as when it was first written decades ago. The world has undergone drastic changes since 1937 when it was first published but the principles still hold true today.

Another book came to my attention only a few days ago. It has had at least as much impact on my life as "Think and Grow Rich." "The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages" by Catherine Ponder was given to me by an enterprising young man. Interesting correlation because Napoleon Hill was a young man when he was given the commission by Andrew Carnegie.

The information contained in "The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages" is of immediate use to absolutely every person. Story after story depicts how real people use each and every one of the success secrets to obtain fabulous results. The techniques are easy to follow and implement. I can tell you that I use these techniques and receive immediate positive results. Let me give you a few examples.

One of the new techniques I found is called the wheel of fortune. Draw a circle and place words and pictures around the circle indicating the things you wish to manifest. For instance if a lady wanted to find the man of her dreams and marry she would put a set of wedding rings, a wedding gown, a new home, a picture of the man she would like to meet, and perhaps a happy couple. Use the words and pictures to illustrate what you choose to manifest.

Another secret is to not only forgive but bless everyone and everything in your past and present. The most important people to bless are those who are presenting the biggest challenge in your life at the moment. It may be a difficult boss or a challenging neighbor or even a member of your own family. Genuinely and honestly forgive and bless them and wish them well. When you put yourself in the role of extending nothing but kind, loving thoughts toward each and every person and situation, you take yourself from a negative to a positive state of mind. That simple step frees you and frees them and opens the floodgates of good results to flow to you.

If you have challenges in your life and you genuinely desire a better life, give it an opportunity to help you.

It is my sincere desire to provide value and improve the lives of everyone I touch personally, professionally and financially. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

Elaine Love

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