Friday, July 31, 2009

What is more important?

As I sit here tonight, it would be so easy to curl up in bed and not finish the details on my "get it done checklist" for today. Have you ever felt that way? Of course you have.

The difference between the highly successful entrepreneurs and the "just getting by" home business owners is such a slight edge. Those of us who truly are committed to success will stay up and finish that last detail before we call it a day.

Jim Rohn reminds us that it is easy to do but it is just as easy not to do. That slight edge of little success habits makes a huge difference in a week, a month and a year. It is truly the little things which make the difference between success beyond your wildest dreams and living a mediocre life. Will it destroy your business if you don’t accomplish anything one day? No. Will it make a big difference if you do accomplish your list one day? No.

The difference is your thoughts which translate into your words which flow into your actions. It all starts with your thoughts. What do you think is important? Is it more important to send that last email to a potential customer or is it more important to see the beginning of your favorite TV show? It’s those little things. Those slight edge decisions compounded over time which make the difference between the top and the bottom of the success ladder.

Look at your list of tasks for today. Well first, did you even make a list of the things you chose to accomplish today? If you didn’t even make a list then that is the first place to start. Make your list at night. Look at it first thing in the morning. Start to work on it immediately. Review it the last thing before you turn out your bedside lamp.

It is all about the little daily decisions. You are making choices to succeed or fail all day long. Be conscious of your choices. Are they serving you or destroying you? Since you are making the choices, if you don’t like the results, then make better choices.

You will be amazed at the improvement in your results.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Success is a choice

I recently discovered a book of success secrets. Everyone knows the tremendous impact of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. That book has become a light, actually more of a beacon,to illuminate the path of many an entrepreneur. Truthfully, it holds tremendous value for everyone regardless of age, profession or economic status. Its virtues are praised as much now as when it was first written decades ago. The world has undergone drastic changes since 1937 when it was first published but the principles still hold true today.

Another book came to my attention only a few days ago. It has had at least as much impact on my life as "Think and Grow Rich." "The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages" by Catherine Ponder was given to me by an enterprising young man. Interesting correlation because Napoleon Hill was a young man when he was given the commission by Andrew Carnegie.

The information contained in "The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages" is of immediate use to absolutely every person. Story after story depicts how real people use each and every one of the success secrets to obtain fabulous results. The techniques are easy to follow and implement. I can tell you that I use these techniques and receive immediate positive results. Let me give you a few examples.

One of the new techniques I found is called the wheel of fortune. Draw a circle and place words and pictures around the circle indicating the things you wish to manifest. For instance if a lady wanted to find the man of her dreams and marry she would put a set of wedding rings, a wedding gown, a new home, a picture of the man she would like to meet, and perhaps a happy couple. Use the words and pictures to illustrate what you choose to manifest.

Another secret is to not only forgive but bless everyone and everything in your past and present. The most important people to bless are those who are presenting the biggest challenge in your life at the moment. It may be a difficult boss or a challenging neighbor or even a member of your own family. Genuinely and honestly forgive and bless them and wish them well. When you put yourself in the role of extending nothing but kind, loving thoughts toward each and every person and situation, you take yourself from a negative to a positive state of mind. That simple step frees you and frees them and opens the floodgates of good results to flow to you.

If you have challenges in your life and you genuinely desire a better life, give it an opportunity to help you.

It is my sincere desire to provide value and improve the lives of everyone I touch personally, professionally and financially. Have a wonderful and blessed day.

Elaine Love

Monday, July 27, 2009

Love's Hidden Treasure

For Elaine Love, it was a huge surprise. She had no idea that deep inside her was an inspiring speaker, able to stand up in front of a room full of people, and deliver a speech that would not only win top honors, but, more importantly, change people’s lives, as well as her own, in very positive and gratifying ways.

“You could say that I experienced a hidden treasure lying dormant, deep inside of me.” says Love. “I was attending a seminar, and found myself becoming very distracted and annoyed by the “umms” and “uh’s” that seemed to perforate nearly every sentence. I decided right then and there that I had things of value to share, public speaking was the medium I wanted to use, and that I would settle for nothing less than being highly successful at it”.

Little did she know that public speaking would come very natural for her. When, at 64 years old, she decided to master public speaking, she had no idea she would unearth a talent that would take her on national speaking tours.

Elaine says “I joined Toastmasters International in November 2008 and by Dec. 11, I delivered my “ice breaker speech”. I mastered a one-year Toastmasters manual in four months, and began delivering speech after speech. Along the way, I decided to enter the organization’s international speech contest. The competition pitted me against speakers who have been on the circuit for as long as a decade. I won at the club level, the area level, the metro division and took 2nd place at the district level, behind the speaker who is now competing Internationally.”

She whispered “In the professional speakers conference, someone said “taking 2nd place to that particular 1st place speaker, is like saying I took second place in a golf tournament where the first place was Tiger Woods”.

Love has set her sights on, and is determined to compete and win Internationally, next year. Mediocrity has never been acceptable to Love. Her reputation rests on being the best. She says, “It really isn’t an ego thing…it truly isn’t. My business is based upon helping others succeed. If I expect and accept less than the best from myself, what kind of mentor would I be to others who have chosen to become a part of my team. I owe it to them and to myself to excel at what I do, and pass that knowledge and ability on to them. This is my passion. It’s simple. I just love what I do! I think you have to if you expect to achieve top level success at anything.”

Love’s latest speech, entitled “My Attitude Counts” won numerous accolades from her Toast Master Colleagues. Including:

“Great job!”

“Great presence! Vocal variety and audience involvement was great. The real life examples were great.”

“Examples – visuals…Great presentation, nice contact with audience.”

“Got me to considering where I can apply a positive attitude to areas in my life.”

“It was all good. Great speaker. Too bad we didn’t have more time!”

“The bottom line is it’s not what happens to us in our life, it’s how we choose to deal with it,” Love said. “Life is an attitude, choose to have a good one.”

Love Is On The Move Again!

No surprise to the thousands of people who follow her……Love is continually on the move.

Elaine Love, The Entrepreneurs' Mentor is topping the charts again……taking the lead!

Elaine Love’s entrepreneurial career spans over 27 years in several successful businesses. She is the top female producer, a member of the Executive Committee and a member of the prestigious Ethics Committee. She received a full page featured article in EMPOWER magazine and Consultant of the Month in Network Marketing magazine.

She hasn’t stopped there. Ms. Love recently achieved the prestigious L4 status….top status in her industry. Few have achieved L4 status. She earned it by being a consistent top producer in the direct sales industry for several years now. She is a true leader who not only has come from zero experience to success but is still achieving success.

L4 is a part of the Leadership Development Program. The company understands how hard entrepreneurs work. Becoming a successful entrepreneur is one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, things you will ever undertake.

Elaine accepts nothing less from herself, than setting and achieving the highest goals. That same dedication extends to all of the people she works with. Through access to the best financial minds in United States and Canada, she will provide you all the tools to get your financial and personal life in order. L4 achievement is not possible without success stories from the people who join her in business.

Work with a leader who walks the talk.

Results For Life, LLC is a totally debt free company dedicated to improving the lives of everyone personally, professionally and financially.

CONGRATULATIONS ELAINE. You are truly The Entrepreneurs' Mentor!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Increase Visitors to Your Site

If you are not getting enough visitors to your site (impressions), then it is your ads and keywords. If you are getting visitors but not leads, it is the appeal of your page.If you are getting leads but not apps, then it is either the follow through with the leads or the sales page. Since most of you are using the CCP sales page, it could be your follow through with leads. Remember that until you are consistently making 10K per month, you should be calling each of your leads. Speak to them from a point of service to them. What is it they want and need? They are still in "need" but you are in a mindset of abundance. What are their goals? How is what they are doing working for them as far as achieving those goals? Probably is not or they would not be looking.The other important factor in converting leads to apps and apps to BIBs and BIBs to WMI sales is your autoresponders. Your interaction with them verbally and through emails tips the scales. Remember your job is not to convince or sell them, it is simply to reveal their own thoughts to themselves so that they convince themselves to take action.With that in mind, I am working on a way to insert video testimonials into your personalized aweber autoresponders. You can upload your video in You-tube and insert a link to your You-tube account in your autoresponder. We are working on a way to insert a preview of that video in your autoresponder. I am pulling for each and every one of you and will do whatever I can to assist you. It is your own business and you are responsible for your results but I will be the wind beneath your wings to support, encourage, train and tweak.