Whatever your age, be proud of the experience you have gained and the opportunity to continue to learn and grow. If you are in your 20s or 30s, great, you have plenty of time to create anything your heart desires. If you are more mature, great. You have the advantage of so many years of wisdom and experience. Saying you are too young or too old to learn something new is just an excuse you give yourself for putting off taking any action.
If you are 50 or more, you do not have decades to play around waiting to figure out what you want to be and do when you grow up. It does not mean that you can’t learn new skills, you absolutely can. I have known people in their 30s who were old and people in their 60s and 70s who were young. It is honestly a state of mind. It is not your chronological years, but your mindset which makes the difference. Diets, lotions, potions, pills, and even surgery will not keep you young if your mind has stopped growing.
If your thoughts are old and you expect to feel old, you will be old. How dare I say such a thing? Hmmm. I’ve experienced 3 major back fusions and a few other major and minor surgeries to my shoulder and knees. Have those surgeries and the metal inserted in my back stopped me? Absolutely not. I started a totally new industry to me after I turned 60. I have learned so much. It not only brought new experiences and new skills to me, but also new associates who are young at heart and forward thinking.
It is said that your income will be the average of your 5 closest associates. Why not associate with forward thinking, progressive people of all ages. Every age has a beauty and a value to give if we are open minded to embrace it.
Many people actually fear old age. That is totally unconceivable to me. It is common knowledge that many people who have worked a job all of their life simply give up when they retire and pass away a short time later. Why on earth would you work all of those years and let yourself stop thinking and growing when you retire? Take up a new hobby, start a new career, or learn a new language. Do something with your mind and spirit and you will find renewed vigor for life.
My “get it done list” and “I plan to do it list” are so long that I would require several decades to accomplish it all. If anyone says rocking chair to me, they had better be handing me an infant who needs to be rocked to sleep. I have no other interest in a rocking chair.
Be proud of your age and experience and keep adding to it. Young people deserve your wisdom and you deserve to be exposed to their enthusiasm and new knowledge. Together both spectrums of the age spam can benefit. You are only old if you choose to be old.