Monday, August 31, 2009

Always Be Grateful – Proud of Your Age

Whatever your age, be proud of the experience you have gained and the opportunity to continue to learn and grow. If you are in your 20s or 30s, great, you have plenty of time to create anything your heart desires. If you are more mature, great. You have the advantage of so many years of wisdom and experience. Saying you are too young or too old to learn something new is just an excuse you give yourself for putting off taking any action.

If you are 50 or more, you do not have decades to play around waiting to figure out what you want to be and do when you grow up. It does not mean that you can’t learn new skills, you absolutely can. I have known people in their 30s who were old and people in their 60s and 70s who were young. It is honestly a state of mind. It is not your chronological years, but your mindset which makes the difference. Diets, lotions, potions, pills, and even surgery will not keep you young if your mind has stopped growing.

If your thoughts are old and you expect to feel old, you will be old. How dare I say such a thing? Hmmm. I’ve experienced 3 major back fusions and a few other major and minor surgeries to my shoulder and knees. Have those surgeries and the metal inserted in my back stopped me? Absolutely not. I started a totally new industry to me after I turned 60. I have learned so much. It not only brought new experiences and new skills to me, but also new associates who are young at heart and forward thinking.

It is said that your income will be the average of your 5 closest associates. Why not associate with forward thinking, progressive people of all ages. Every age has a beauty and a value to give if we are open minded to embrace it.

Many people actually fear old age. That is totally unconceivable to me. It is common knowledge that many people who have worked a job all of their life simply give up when they retire and pass away a short time later. Why on earth would you work all of those years and let yourself stop thinking and growing when you retire? Take up a new hobby, start a new career, or learn a new language. Do something with your mind and spirit and you will find renewed vigor for life.

My “get it done list” and “I plan to do it list” are so long that I would require several decades to accomplish it all. If anyone says rocking chair to me, they had better be handing me an infant who needs to be rocked to sleep. I have no other interest in a rocking chair.

Be proud of your age and experience and keep adding to it. Young people deserve your wisdom and you deserve to be exposed to their enthusiasm and new knowledge. Together both spectrums of the age spam can benefit. You are only old if you choose to be old.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Always Be Grateful

Today is my 65th birthday and I still feel young in spirit. I am as excited today for my present and my future as I was in my 20s. Part of that is gratitude. I am so grateful for my life. Blessings and challenges abound every day. Opportunities to grow into the person I choose for my friends, children and grandchildren to remember present themselves every day.

When I was a little 20 year old college senior, one of my professors said, “Elaine, you can have 10 years experience or one year’s experience 10 times.” Few statements in my lifetime have struck me with the force of this one. Ebino Topsy affirmed that, “those who do not learn from history are doomed to relive it.” How many people have you known who keep repeating the same types of errors? Bring it closer to home, how many times have we repeated our own mistakes?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake. It has been said that if you want to double your rate of success, then double your rate of failure. That is true, IF you learn from each one of those failures and determine how to achieve a better result next time.

I’ve failed many times in my life, but in each case I chose to learn from my mistakes. I am grateful for all of my experiences because they each taught me a valuable lesson. If I did not learn the lesson completely, I inevitably had to dig a bit deeper for the lesson and solution. I learned 2 very important lessons from failure: learn from your mistakes and keep striving for better results.

David Foster, acclaimed as the “Hit Man” because of the number of hits he has produced in the music industry, is a 15 time Grammy winner. In David’s article in Success magazine, September 2009, he openly admits that he also has failures. He has written 1,000 songs and has 100 hits.

Giving up or deciding that something does not work or does not work for you just because you had a tough day or two goes again the laws of success. Most people in the network marketing industry will tell you that they had a learning curve before they achieved success. I know I did. My success came because I chose a company with integrity, the right products for the time, the right compensation plan and the right system to market.

Even more than all of that, I chose to be the constant diligent student and learn my lessons from successful people before me. Learning is fun to me. I’m grateful for all of my experiences. Each and every one of them has taught me something valuable.

I am grateful I have the ability and willingness to step out of my comfort zone and learn. I am grateful I have the opportunity to learn. I am also grateful that I am willing to stick with a task until I do learn and prosper. How about you? Are you ready to learn and grow?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Always Be Growing - Learning Curve

Life is a learning curve. From the beginning we have a series of firsts: first crawling, first steps, first time to ride a bicycle, and first day of school. Life is a series of firsts. The problem is that once we become adults, we seem to stop experiencing those new accomplishments. As adults, too many of us resist learning new things. We balk at having a learning curve.

I started skiing, tennis, running and even weight training as an adult. Ok, so it took me longer to learn to ski than it does a small child. I knew how hard and cold that landing would be when I fell down. A child does not have as far to fall and they have an inborn feeling of being indestructible. I know the feeling of sore muscles. The biggest issue is not the sore muscles, but the mental block of getting in our own way. Consciously or unconsciously, we get in our own way. We resist learning new things and stepping so far out of our comfort zone.

Why? Are we afraid that we can’t do it? Are we afraid of failing? Are we afraid of succeeding? Maybe sometimes we don’t even know what is holding us back. We see other people succeeding and know that if they can do it, we can do it. Yet we are not seeing the results ourselves. What is the road block?

Jim Rohn says, “If you neighbor’s pasture is greener than yours, perhaps it is getting better care.”

It is both an issue of mindset and of action. Mindset. Do you truly know what you want? Do you want it badly enough that you will do whatever it takes to succeed? Does it tap in to your passion? Unless you have a passionate desire to succeed, you will always be spinning your wheels. It takes that clear vision and clear laser focused desire to achieve your goals. Every time you let doubt creep in to your thoughts, beliefs and feelings, you have erected a roadblock between yourself and your goals.

You must have a “why” so powerful that you will push through any and all barriers to reach your goal. Something that will keep you positive and motivated no matter what happens. Life happens. Life has disappointments, it just does. The question is how do you handle those tough spots in the learning curve and keep moving forward.

Once your mindset is laser focused, you will keep taking the actions which move you closer to your goals. No learning curve is too difficult if your mindset is crystal clear and your actions are in perfect harmony with your stated goals.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Always Be Grateful – Fear Holds Back Prosperity

Fear is false expectations appearing real. We all deal with fear on some level at various times in our lives. To say that you have never ever been afraid of anything means you are either one in ten million or perhaps not totally honest with yourself.

We all experience fear. An interesting statistic is that most people fear public speaking even more than death. Since joining Toastmasters, I find that I absolutely love public speaking. For me, that is not a fear.

Whether it is a fear of not being loved, or not being successful or any of a myriad of other things, every one has fears. In this economy, it is the fear of not having enough money to pay the bills for over 80% of Americans. That is a very real fear for far too many people right now.

The problem is that focusing on the negative and the fear only brings more of the negative. You will always get more of whatever you give your time, energy and focus. Shift your thoughts and feelings to concentrate on your desired outcome. Is it difficult? At first it may be; however, what do you truly desire? If you want more lack and desperation, then go ahead and focus on that. I believe you want and deserve prosperity.

I do not believe for a moment that a small child says, “I want to grow up to be poor and never have enough to eat.” Of course not. That thought starts slipping into our conscious mind as an adult. Then we focus on the lack of money to pay the bills and the lack expands.

Am I saying that all we have to do is think about money flowing in and it will flow into our bank accounts? No. Thinking positive thoughts about abundance and being grateful for what we do have will trigger our subconscious mind to create ways we can either earn more money or make wiser use of the money we do have.

Fear is never a positive reaction unless you are being chased by a tiger or some such valid experience. Concentrate on the positive things you desire to have in your life and be open to receiving them. Open your mind to receiving solutions rather than focusing totally on the problem.

Ok skeptics; is it at least worth consideration? Stuff the fear in a corner and tell it to shut up and go away so you can put all of your mental energy into positive solutions.

You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.

Sarah Ban Breathnach ~ Simple Abundance

Always Be Growing – Focus

Our focus determines so much about our entire life. Rich people have 24 hours a day and poor people have 24 hours a day. The difference is what we do with those hours.

Do you ever look in the mirror as you are getting ready for bed at night and say to yourself, “Where did the day go?” “What did I get done today?” If the answer from that image in the mirror is “not much,” you may have to take a serious look at your time management.

Did you make a list of things to be done the night before? Did you schedule time to complete those tasks? Did you actually follow that schedule? If the answer to ANY of these is “no” then you need to take a serious look at your time management.

When you do sit down at your computer or your desk to perform a task, do you check your personal email and maybe take a look at your bank account or your investment account or even your horoscope? Do you actually focus on the task at hand or do you find every imaginable distraction to divert your attention? The phone rings, you want a cup of coffee, you decide to throw in a load of laundry, you decide to write your grocery list, or you answer a quick personal email. You get the idea. How truly laser focused are you on the task at hand?

In order to be successful at a home business, you absolutely must laser focus on the task at hand or the day slips by and nothing gets accomplished. It is easy to say, “Of course I can commit 2, 3 or 4 hours a day to my business.” The question is, “Do you really do it or do you spend the time getting up and sitting down from your office chair and wasting time.” Now, be honest with yourself. Look at your productivity. How much did you really accomplish?

The proof is in your results.

I suggest you make a list of at least 5 action steps you will take every day to move your business forward. They can be the same 5 or a different 5 each day. The key is not what is written on the list as much as if there really is a list AND will you commit to accomplishing it.

Without disciplined, focused action taken on a consistent basis, your home business is destined to be a non-profit operation from the discomfort of your home. Its not about blame, it is about taking charge of your life and your business. It is about taking responsibility for your results.

FOCUS – Follow One Course of action Until Successful.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Always Be Growing – Visualize

When Walt Disney passed away, someone commented to his widow that it was a shame that he did not see his dream of Disney World completed. His wife replied, “Oh yes he did. He saw it completed in every little detail in his mind before they ever broke ground.” That is being a visionary as well as visualizing your goal completed before it is actually reality to the rest of the world.

Every great leader in history has visualized his success far in advance of its appearance in the eyes of others. Great athletes see themselves crossing the finish line or seeing the ball sail over the goal post or into the net at the goal. A famous Olympic skier sees themselves crossing the finish line standing up to the cheers and cow bells of their enthused fans.

It is important to see the accomplishment in such detail that you hear the roar of the crowd, you touch the cool metal of the winner’s medal or trophy, and you feel the pride of victory. Engage your emotions in the entire process. Feel the feelings. Use all 5 senses to totally immerse yourself in the experience.

If you are in network marketing, see the email informing you that you have a new member of your team, Visualize your bank account with the deposits from your sales, Read the emails from happy team members who are learning and growing; feel the pride of leadership as you truly help others achieve their goals. See yourself on stage receiving awards. See your growing list of team members in your back office.

Now take it a step further and really see yourself enjoying the rewards of a successful business. What will it change in your life? How will your life improve? What will you be able to do for friends, family and team members now that you have achieved all of your goals and dreams? It is not about the money; it is about what that added income and accomplishment will do for you as a person and for everyone around you.

Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, says “if you inherit or win a million dollars, the first thing to do is become a millionaire.” In other words learn how to think and act like a millionaire would act. It is not about earning the money; it is about the person you become in the process.

See yourself in your mind as not only accomplishing all of your goals but as the person you really choose to become in the process. What kind of legacy do you choose to leave behind you? It is all about visualizing yourself as the person you desire to become. That is the true goal. Seeing yourself accomplishing is only step one. The big step is seeing yourself as a leader and a quality person.

Are you ready to visualize yourself as a successful human being as well as a success in your chosen profession?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Always Be Growing - Pain or Pleasure

What motivates you to do the things you do in your life? Most people are either seeking pleasure or seeking to avoid pain. It is generally accepted that people will do more to avoid pain than to seek pleasure.

In this current economic situation, people are experiencing home foreclosures, job losses, and sky-rocketing credit card debt. The drastic stock market decline of 2008 has had dramatic reductions in their investment accounts. Pain is an understatement. Over 80% of Americans are upside down. Don’t give up, there are financial solutions.

There is hope and there is help.

  1. Do not cut up all of your credit cards and close all of your credit card accounts. Having credit is a valuable asset to be preserved.

  1. Pick the card with the highest interest rate and start paying it down. The problem with most people is they keep running up the balance to the maximum and paying minimum payments until all they are paying is part of the interest, not even any of the principle balance.

  1. Cal the credit card company and negotiate a lower interest rate or waive penalties. Work out a payment plan with them. They would much rather you pay it off gradually rather than file bankruptcy.

  1. Even small steps will provide financial help. If it is easier for you to swallow, call it a spending plan rather than a budget. Plan out what is available and exactly where it will go. Yes, it will take discipline. How badly do you want financial solutions?

  1. A friend of mine, Brian Fanale, said, “If you have to, put your couch on e-bay. Another friend sold his car. Did it take time and discipline, yes. Is it worth it to lift that thousand pound financial weight off your shoulders, yes. Think about a garage sale. There must be something you can part with to jump start your financial freedom,

  1. Give up that tasty Starbucks coffee or the beverage with the boys. You can always have those later after you are financially free. Buy one less treat at the grocery store and use that money to pay even a little on the credit card debt.

  1. Give up a few short term pleasures to avoid a long term pain.

  1. Think of rewards for yourself which don’t cost money. Take your spouse for a moonlight walk or sit together watching a sunrise or sunset. You will be surprised how good you will both feel spending close time. Make it a project you do together for the future of your family.

What gives me the right to say this? I have been so broke in my life that I did not have enough money to feed myself and my two small sons. They ate and I pretended to be on a diet. I was so broke I had to look up to see the basement floor. I used these very measures myself. The only difference is that I took the walks with my 2 little guys while they rode in their little red wagon. We sat together at the sunrises while they sipped their morning juice.

I lived it. Now I’m fine and you will be. There are financial solutions. There is hope.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Always Be Growing - Mind Candy

We all know that what we feed our body, determines our health, our weight and our energy. How much attention are you giving to your mind? What diet are you feeding your mind?

Are you listening and watching the electronic income reducer – TV? How many of those programs actually pick up your spirits and stretch your imagination in a positive direction? If you watch Constantly Negative News, CNN, you generally find depressing news followed by a commercial for an anti-depressant, followed by more negative news and followed by another commercial for another anti-depressant. See a pattern here?

If you continue to feed your body unhealthy food, you will have health problems. The same goes for your mind. If you feed your mind a diet of depression and violence, how can you possibly expect a happy, upbeat outlook on life?

Fill your mind with mental nutrients, especially first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. You subconscious mind is the most receptive when you are just coming out of an alpha state (sleep) and just before you drift into an alpha state. The last thing in your mind before sleep and the first thoughts into your mind when you awake are the most important. Use these times to program your subconscious mind with what you truly desire to achieve.

Avoid television, especially violence or depressing news at least an hour before sleep. Personally, I do not watch television. I prefer to read at least 10 pages of a really good book the last thing before I go to sleep.

The first thing on awakening, I like to read positive affirmations. It sets the tone for the day. The next activity is always my treadmill. I listen to inspirational or educational cds during that time. It not only makes the time go faster but it fills my mind with uplifting and mind stretching thoughts prior to starting my work day. Periodically throughout the day, I repeat the positive affirmations.

I have not listened to regular radio stations in my car. I prefer educational or inspirational cds in my car as well. Even a traffic jam is more tolerable with something soothing and pleasantly stimulating.

What we think about, we bring about. I prefer encouraging and enlightening thoughts and events. How about you? What are you feeding your mind on a daily basis?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Always Be Growing - Books

“You will be the same person in five years as your are today except for the people you meet and the books you read,” Charles “Tremendous” Jones.

There are so many notable quotes encouraging us to read. Jim Rohn says, “You can always pass up a meal, but never pass up a good book,”

There was a story I heard once on a cd about a shoe shine lady who was reading novels. She had quite a pile of those paperback dog-eared books by her shoe shine stand in the airport so she obviously liked to read. The problem was that her daughter had won a cheerleading contest and he mother desperately wanted her to go on to the competition; however, there was no money for the uniform or transportation to the contest. What if that pile of books had included “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill or “The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages” by Catherine Ponder or “The Travelers Gift” by Andy Andrews or even “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People” by Stephen Covey. How different her life and the life of he daughter could have been just by reading “mind stretching” books instead of romantic novels.

When I look back on my life, there was a period where I read novels and mysteries and even Zane Grey. (Zane Grey was a master of description.) These books were fun but really did not stretch my imagination in a way to make my mind grow in the slightest.

The periods in my life where I achieved the greatest growth and progress were when I read personal development books and business books. The interesting thing is that I have an extensive library and yet I seem to go back and re-read some of my favorites – like the ones I listed above. Each time I go back and read one of them again it is as if someone had revised some of the chapters because I view the information through new eyes and new experiences. I am not the same person I was even 3 years ago. I have learned and grown as a person. Consequently, I view the words in a slightly different context now. It is as if it is partially a new book.

Now, of course, if you are still reading romantic novels and grocery store tabloids, you may still be the same person you were 3 years ago. What is it that you want from your life? Are you content to stay the same? I doubt it or you would not be reading this text right now.

At least you are reading. It is amazing to read the statistics of people who never read a book after they stop going to school. That is so far from my reality that it is truly hard for me to even fathom. I have loved to read from the time I was a small child. Reading is a positive habit.

Once you develop the habit, then step up the quality of your reading material. Challenge yourself to stretch your mind and enhance your creativity. Most of us use les than one tenth of one percent of our brain power. Imagine what you could accomplish if you used ten percent of your capability. You have within you everything you ever need for success. Are you stretching yourself and reaching higher? Or would you rather settle for the status quo? Personally, I have big dreams and big goals. I’m not even close to finished. Come join me. Life has so much to offer if we will just reach for it.

Books are a source of wisdom and inspiration. They are here and ready. All we have to do is pick them up, read and implement. Easy to do? Yes. Easy not to do? Also Yes.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Always Be Growing – Reach For Your Dreams

As I open my emails this morning there is a reoccurring theme from Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Bill Harris of Centerpointe, and Mike Litman. They are all speaking on courage to follow your passion. Why do so many people let their dreams wither and die? Is it fear of failure or crazy as it many seem, fear of success?

It is so easy to stay in our little comfort zone of known friends, known jobs, known neighborhood and even common complaints. Many people find it easier to complain about what they do not like about their life or situations than to actually go out and do something about improving them. Some people would rather stay with something they know, even if they don’t like it, rather than rock the boat by even considering something new.

It all comes down to what you want from your life. Would you rather be safe but miserable with the known or look for a way to make it better? You may be thinking, what gives her to right to tell me to shake up my world?

I grew up as a very poor Kansas farm girl. It would have been less effort to obey my father and stay right there on the farm. I had a dream of going to college and actually doing something with my life. Out of my graduating class only 3 of us went to college and one of those dropped out after the first year. What gave me the courage to say I deserved more? Perhaps it was my teachers. Maybe it was just aw persistent voice inside my head saying, “get out of here and go find out what you can do with your life.”

I am so very grateful that I listened. Talk about a stretch out of the comfort zone. I had not been allowed to learn to drive, had never had a job, and did not have any money. In fact, my possessions were few and not very nice at that, but I wanted more from life.

Now I am NOT recommending that anyone follow my lead and run away from home, but I am so thankful that I did stretch my limits and go for the gusto. What I learned in college has benefited me every day of my life. The classes were very intense and informative, but what I learned outside of class was even more important. I learned to not only survive but thrive. I learned how to interact with various people from many different backgrounds. I learned how to network and locate not just a job, but a good job where I learned as well as being paid.

I grew so much as a person in those three and a half years. It made such an impact on me that I held the goal of a Masters degree in the back of my mind for decades. It was actually 30 years after my Bachelors degree before I was able to go to the University of Denver and start working on my Masters degree. Once again, it was not easy. I worked until 2 pm and drove to Denver, 170 miles, once a week for 3 years to earn my Masters degrees. I went to class from 6 until 10 or 11pm and then got up at 4 and drove back to Steamboat to be in the office by 8 am to work a full day.

Was it easy or comfortable to obtain either the Bachelors or Masters degrees? NO. Was it worth it? Absolutely Yes. It meant giving up weekends and evenings to study as well but I have never regretted a minute of it. Was I scared and nervous and unsure of myself both times? Yes. Did it stop me? NO

What is it that you want very badly? Badly enough to step out of your comfort zone and reach for your dreams? You can make excuses or find a way to make it happen. Your choice.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Always Be Growing - Live Life to the Fullest

Growing means stepping out of your comfort zone and learning something new. It is not about doing something because you think you should, but genuinely because you choose to stretch and grow.

New Years Resolutions fail because people are declaring something they think they should do rather than having the passionate commitment to really make it happen. Without the passion, it is easy to give up at the first bump in the road.

Remember when you were a small child and “anything was possible.” Then we allowed life to strangle some of our dreams until they almost died. I say almost, because somewhere in the back of your mind and heart that dream still flickers. We have thrown cold water on it so many times that it may only have one ember left. If you fan the flame and believe in yourself again, that ember can become a flicker and then a full roaring flame.

Do you really want to arrive at your last days with a ton of regret? Or do you want to smile a tired but happy smile and declare “Wow, what a ride. I really gave my dreams a chance to thrive and blossom.” You never know what you can accomplish unless you give yourself a chance.

When we were young, some of us made a list of 100 things on our goal list. We wrote down the names of places we wanted to go and things we wanted to do. How many do you still have on your list? If you haven’t made that list yet, start writing or typing right NOW. Let your mind roam free and record all of your dreams and goals.

Take yourself back to that childlike “anything is possible” mindset and put your dreams on paper. Just the act of allowing yourself to dream and feel and fantasize about accomplishing them will put a smile in your heart.

Now pick out one and decide to make it come true.

Napoleon Hill wrote, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” You deserve to have joy and peace of mind and accomplishment in your life. Yes, YOU. You deserve to live a full rich life. Allow yourself to dream a little and picture yourself accomplishing whatever it was that you chose. Feel the feelings of accomplishing that goal. Experience the joy. It starts in your conscious mind and then your subconscious mind and then your reality. If you truly want it and believe you can have it, you will find a way to do exactly that. What could it possibly hurt to dream a little and live a little – even if it is just in your mind and imagination for now?

Grandma Moses started painting in her 70s after her hands would no longer allow her to crochet. John Glenn flew the space mission Discovery to the moon at the age of 77. Wipe that “age” excuse off the slate. Be creative. Have fun. Live life to the fullest. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.

I am not even close to a rocking chair unless it is to rock a tiny grandchild to sleep. I love my life and I love living life to the fullest. I am still learning and growing. How about you?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Always Be Growing - Reading

It is a common expression that if you are not growing, you are dying.

So many people in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s, come to me every day seeking financial education and resources. It is my pleasure to help.

I have known people in their senior years who are vibrant, active and enthused about life. They know they have a wealth of experience and a continued desire to learn and grow. With that attitude toward life, they will continue to succeed. I can help them. If instead they came to me with the declaration that they do not have a computer and don’t want one, I know there is a problem. One man found me online and then insisted on writing snail mail letters rather than ever open his email. Writing a hand written or typed note is a nice touch for a thank you note; however, it is far too slow for today’s fast paced internet world.

It is all about the mind set and willingness to learn and grow.

Just as I have known senior citizens who were spunky and creative, I have known people in their 20s and 30s who simply stopped growing.

Age is not a matter of chronological years but of attitude and zest for life. Reading is a prime example. According to the National Center for Education Statistics in 2001, only 37.2% of adults 25 and over reported having read a book in the last 6 months. The higher the academic level, the higher the percentage. The average CEO in the United States reads at least 4 books a month and makes 437% more than the average worker. That does not mean that the only difference between the CEO and the average worker is the number of books they read, but it is a factor.

Reading books like ‘Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “The Travelers Gift” by Andy Andrews, “The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages” by Catherine Ponder, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy, or “The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People” by Stephen R. Covey certainly expand the thinking and knowledge.

It is more than just reading; it is also which books you are reading. Are you reading romance novels or mind stimulation books? Very few careers are enhanced by reading a romance novel. It is more than just reading, it is the value you are placing in your mind.

Personally, I have 2 or 3 books and a Success magazine on my night stand at all times.

What are you doing to stimulate your mind? The successful, alert and forward-thinking people of all ages are constantly learning and growing. Where do you spend your time? Are you watching the electronic income reducer – the TV? Are you reading stimulating books which spark your creativity? Are you attending lectures to expand your thoughts?

Readers are leaders, or is it leaders are readers? Frankly, I believe it is both.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Consistent Words and Intention

In yesterday’s discussion we spoke about “giving makes you rich.” Another key element to that theme is the mindset for prosperity. There must be consistency.

If someone says, “I want to be rich” and at the same time condemns everyone who is rich, that is a conflict. If there is envy or jealousy or even outright criticism of the rich, then the subconscious mind can not create the opportunity for wealth. Statements such as “filthy money” or “there is virtue in poverty” will absolutely block the flow of prosperity to you. Analyze your statements and your thoughts. What words are you using in your thoughts and speech about money? Are the words consistent with your affirmed goal of prosperity?

Having a conflict like that is the same as saying I want to lose weight and then sitting down to eat a pan of brownies and a gallon of ice cream. You will NOT lose weight with such a major conflict.

There are two books I have read lately which really emphasize the prosperity secrets; “Prosperity Secrets of the Ages” by Catherine Ponder and “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy (later revised by Ian McMahan) are totally in agreement that it is your mindset which is the ultimate controlling factor.

When I first started on this journey of personal development, I discovered that I had deserveability issues. Old programming from childhood had created unconscious blocks. Simply stated, I was getting in my own way of creating prosperity. In order for me to be able to create the wealth I desired and deserved, I had to readjust my thinking. The old programming needed to be erased and replaced with new.

We all know about the law of attraction. We attract more of whatever we give our time, energy and focus. We also know Napoleon Hill’s famous quote, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Both of these are absolutely true. Our job is to be absolutely certain that we are consistent in what we say we desire and what we speak to ourselves and others about that desire.

Learn to bless and forgive every successful person and every wealthy person. When you speak and think prosperity and increase for them, you are opening the door for prosperity and wealth for yourself as well. Be conscious of all of your thoughts and words relative to money and those who possess money. When you hold totally positive thoughts for them and affirm the same for yourself, you create opportunities for your own wealth.

Amazing that the secret can be so very simple. It is all within your control at this very minute. You can turn your circumstances from lack to prosperity simply by controlling your own mind. Even if you do everything else right, but have the wrong thoughts and feelings, you will not prosper.

Control you mind and you control your future. Be consistent in thoughts, feelings and words of prosperity to one and all. You will achieve all of your dreams and goals.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Giving Will Make You Rich

Always Be Giving – Charity

In the book “Prosperity Secrets of the Ages” by Catherine Ponder, it states a profound secret. “The supreme prosperity secret of the ages is that your giving can make you rich!” This secret has been handed down from the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Arabians, Greeks, Romans and the Chinese. Many of our modern millionaires such as the Colgate, Heinz, Kraft and Rockefeller families all used this prosperity secret. They credit this secret as the special formula which brought them riches.

In ancient Christian times, the families not only gave 10% of their money but also 10% of their crops and livestock. Unfortunately the modern average in the United States seems to be closer to 2.6% than 10%. The question is do we give to charity and the church after we have paid all of our other bills and desires or do we section off the charity donation first and then pay the remainder of the expenses. Most people pay themselves first and if there is nothing left for charity, then so be it.

The prosperity secret of giving requires that we give that portion first. Now I do grant that there is ample discussion about whether it is a percentage of the gross income or a percentage of the net income. In the case of business, it is commonly accepted to give a percentage of the net profit. Relative to the personal income, it seems more acceptable to give a percentage of the gross income.

Divine order will shower you with prosperity in both expected and unexpected ways when you place giving as first on the list. This is a giving universe. You have always heard that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but how many of you actually believe that principle and practice it?

“The ancients, who knew the wisdom of the ages, understood the nature of universal substance out of which all wealth is created,” related Catherine Ponder. Ancient wealth was created by giving with the knowing that this giving created a vacuum which substance rushed in to fill.

“Giving in order to make room to receive is a scientific method that always works to prosper those who use it consistently.” Prosperity Secrets of the Ages.

A further secret is that you must do it consistently. It is like bathing, it must be done on a very frequent and regular basis. You may both surprise and delight yourself and you bank account. Giving with a cheerful heart and willing spirit will make you rich.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Always Be Giving - Mentoring

Mentoring comes in many forms. In Toastmasters, mentoring may be a simple as encouraging someone to quell the stage fright and relax. The butterflies do not always flay in formation. Even seasoned speakers still have “stage nerves” from time to time.

Mentoring may be assisting someone to reduce the number of Uh, Ah, Oops, filler words such as “and “ or “so.” We each have unconscious filler words or phrases. A mentor will hear these words with objective “fresh ears.”

We may have unconscious mannerisms or repeating one specific gesture too frequently.

Many of you know that I currently work in financial education. I obviously enjoy finances; however, my college economics professor was as exciting as watching grass grow. We managed to stay awake most of the time in class by counting his series of mannerisms. He would run his fingers through his thinning hair, straighten his tie, adjust his horn rimmed glasses, fiddle with his pen and ruffle his papers. We counted how many of this series of mannerisms he indulged in each hour. The man was brilliant but certainly not an engaging speaker. He certainly would have benefitted from a Toastmasters mentor.

Gently assisting him to add vocal variety, reduce the mannerisms, and even add a dash of humor would have made his class for more palatable. Unfortunately, that did not occur in my 3 years of enduring his classes.

Have you ever witnessed a speaker who spoke in a monotone or used annoying gestures or was as entertaining as watching paint dry? All of us have observed a speaker who “ah’d” us to boredom. One of my fellow Toastmasters sent me this link You will recognize the speaker.

Mentors assist us in seeing ourselves as others will see us; however, a highly accomplished mentor will guide us as swiftly as we are ready to receive the information.

John Crosby’s statement is quite explicit, “Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”

Mentoring is of tremendous value to the person receiving the feedback, but it is equally as valuable to the person providing the feedback. As I observe others, it also reminds me of so many things I choose to improve about my own speaking.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,” said Maya Angelou. The benefit is absolutely mutual. The more you give to aid others, the more you gain. This world is not all about giving or all about receiving, it is about improving the lives of everyone we touch. As we help others grow, we also grow ourselves.

“In every art beginners must start with models of those who have practiced the same art before them. And it is not only a matter of looking at the drawings, paintings, musical compositions, and poems that have been and are being created; it is a matter of being drawn into the individual work of art, of realizing that it has been made by a real human being, and trying to discover the secret of its creation.” Ruth Whitman

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Notes of Appreciation

Writing notes of appreciation and encouragement is almost a lost art. It is certainly far less frequent than it was a generation ago. Now, of course, I am showing my age. We all dash a fast email now rather than sending a hand written note. Not so long ago, it was considered very poor manners not to write a note of appreciation for a kind gesture or a gift or even a special dinner invitation. Now most of these are either ignored totally or a quick email response. I wonder how many even know the names Amy Vanderbilt or Emily Post let alone have read and studied their books.

These little notes of appreciation are so important that most of us have saved them in a scrapbook or a drawer or even a box. The point is that we saved them. I know I did. They are even more valuable when they were unexpected.

Who is it who would love a note of appreciation from you? Just a little 2 line note which would not take you but a few minutes to write, address the envelope and mail. It is easy to do. The problem is that as the noted business philosopher, Jim Rohn, says, “It is easy to do, but it is also easy not to do.”

Walt Whitman, American poet, essayist, humanist, and journalist was struggling to receive recognition for his work when he received a note. The note simply said, “I am not blind to the wit and wisdom of the Leaves of Grass. I greet you at the beginning of a great career,” signed Ralph Waldo Emerson. I will bet he kept that note. Not only was it a note of encouragement but it was from Emerson, the man who inspired him to write Leaves of Grass. Whitman spent his entire life writing and rewriting Leaves of Grass. It was first published in 1855 when Whitman was 36. 36 was the beginning of his great career.

Little notes of encouragement and inspiration to keep moving forward are sometimes the fine line that provides one more burst of energy. How would you feel if you knew your little 2 line note was the one extra spark that propelled someone to achieve their dreams instead of giving up? So many give up just moments before they crest the summit of an obstacle and revel in the glory of all of their hard work. Sometimes all it takes is one person to believe in them and take the time to let them know.

Who is it in your life right now who needs a little 2 line note of encouragement or appreciation from you? I challenge you to write down the names of 3 people who deserve a note from you and then commit to writing those 3 little notes.

You may never know how much it meant to them. That little ray of sunshine you poured into their life may inspire them to do the same for 3 others. Who know how much joy we could spread in this world by taking the time to write 3 little notes? Look what it did for Whitman.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Always Be Giving - Acknowledgement

We give of our time by listening and helping people learn how to solve problems. By giving of ourselves in focused attention, we are demonstrating that they are valuable to us. Knowing that you are valuable to others and valuable as a person is extremely important. None of us live in a vacuum. We all appreciate being valued.

Mark Twain said,” To get the full value of a joy, you must have somebody to divide it with.” Just knowing that someone else appreciates the little things we do for them makes a world of difference to you and to them.

One of the problems I see so frequently in marriages and in the workplace is that people do not feel valued. People will always do more for recognition than they will for money.

When I was a college student secretary, I had the privilege of working for Doc Reilly. Doc, as we affectionately addressed him, was brilliant. He carried his Phi Beta Kappa key on his rosary every day. His accolades filled a several page vita. Doc’s vocabulary was so extensive that I would be forced to sit with Webster’s unabridged dictionary to transcribe his dictation. To totally understate it, Doc was brilliant and highly accomplished. A man of those extensive credentials could have been ego-centered and arrogant; however, he was very modest. If it is possible to be humble with an ego, then Doc was precisely that. I treasured my time listening to him and working with/for him.

One of the things which set Doc apart from everyone else was the way he valued people.

Since I was a student secretary, I was not allowed to receive any overtime pay. If Doc requested any special assignment which required more than my allotted time, he demonstrated his appreciation in his own unique way. One of Docs private hobbies was growing long stem red roses. I always knew that when I had gone above and beyond that I would come in the next morning and find a long stem red rose on my desk. Neither he nor I ever spoke of it, but we both knew how very much it meant to me. You see, he was forbidden from showing any partiality to a student. I respected him so much that I would never have compromised our professional relationship.

I worked for Doc for two and a half full years. He became a treasured mentor, friend, professor and business associate. I learned so much from him in ever so many ways.

When he learned that my parents were not attending my college graduation, he gave me a graduation party with all of my favorite professors and my friends. He always went above and beyond to demonstrate professionalism, class and appreciation.

Doc knew how to value people. He passed away a few years ago but his legacy lives on in my heart and the hearts of so many that he touched.