Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Make Dreams Come True

Good news. If you have a dream in your heart, you also have the ability to achieve it. Something you passionately want, not just lukewarm desire. None of us were ever given a burning desire to reach a specific goal without the ability to reach that goal. You may be saying, “Oh yeah, but you don’t know my circumstances.” True, I don’t know your circumstances, but I know my own. I also know many others who achieved despite adverse circumstances. They achieved because they kept searching for the solution until they found it.

Edwin C. Barnes was poor in financial terms but he had a burning desire to be the business partner of Thomas Edison. Yes, I said business partner, not just employee. Since he did not have any money, he traveled in a box car of a freight train to go see Edison. He entered the great man’s office in tattered clothes but a spirit on fire. He finally convinced Edison to allow him to be an employee of Edison’s staff. He worked his way up from that lowly status for five years without a glimmer of hope of anything more than being just another employee. The difference was that Barnes held it in his mind every minute of the time that he was in fact Edison’s business partner. He worked accordingly. Barnes created a plan, burned all bridges behind him and focused on his burning desire. He did not say, “I’ll give it a try.” Nor did he say, “I’ll give it a few months.” While others were jealous of Barnes for his “lucky break,” Barnes knew it was not an accident but a specific plan to achieve his passionate dream. Yes, dreams come true when you forsake all turning back, focus on the goal, make a plan to achieve it and take the necessary action.

My question to you is “Where is your focus?” Are you seeking excuses why you will not succeed; or are you searching for methods to succeed? Look deep into your thoughts and feelings. Your truthful answer to this question determines your future. Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are correct. The answer and the end result are within your control.

Tony Robbins reminds us, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” You are the only one who can truly answer the question about your real thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts flow to your feelings to your words to your actions to your results. When you focus all of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions on a specific goal, you absolutely will achieve it.

You arrived in this world fully loaded. If you were a car, you would be a fully loaded luxury car. You have the power windows, power locks, power everything and all of the extra toys and features available to be purchased. You arrived in this world fully loaded for success. Your responsibility is to discover those special abilities and put them into action. Tony Robbins also said, “Everything you need is already in you.” How badly do you want to find and use those talents?

The good news for people is that you have the ability to make your dreams come true. Discover your passion. Discover your burning desire, focus on the goal and take the action steps to achieve it. Sounds simple? Yes it really is that simple. Dreams come true when you focus on your burning desire and persist until your achieve the goal. Make your dreams come true. “Everything you need is already in you.”

Visit and lets work together to make your dreams come true.

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