Sunday, October 18, 2009

Poor Me

“Poor Me” whines the person who wants others to do everything for them. You recognize the type, right? They are the ones who invite you for coffee and step aside after they order until you pay. I really do not mind paying. My concern lies more in their mindset of lack and entitlement.

An attitude of entitlement permeated United States for years and contributed to the election of many government officials. People who expect others to do for them without any effort or contribution on their part exemplify an attitude of entitlement. We meet these unfortunate souls in many areas of our life. They are the ones who send our “oh woe is me” letters to solicit donations for their personal benefit when they could simply get off their chair and exert a little effort.

There are individuals who genuinely deserve charitable giving. A family who experiences a tragic loss, accident or illness and needs temporary assistance deserves our help. I have given very generously over and over to employees, friends and relatives who needed a temporary loan or boost to get over a tough spot. I give very generously at church and in my community for the less fortunate. I give with a cheerful heart because I am so grateful for the blessings I have received.

An ancient spiritual law decrees that the Egyptians, Babylonians, Hebrews, and Chinese believed that when they gave with a cheerful and grateful heart that wealth returned to them in absolute abundance. In fact, they believed the number 10 was magic. Some say that became the origin of tithing – giving ten percent of crops, livestock and money. The ancients believed giving was the means to receive in abundance.

History has demonstrated the existence of givers and receivers. The receivers, the entitlement society, expect to be taken care of and provided for without any effort on their part. This entitlement belief has created four and five generation welfare families. This “give me a hand out” mentality has created a poverty and lack mindset generation after generation.

Right here in the midst of affluence there is a healthy young lady with a masters degree in business who expects others to send her money so that she does not have to find a job to earn for herself. That is a perfect example of an entitlement mentality. Personal opinion is that she needs to get off of her chair and go to work rather than relying on being cute and lazy.

Seriously examine your personal beliefs. Are you taking responsibility for your life and your results? We live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. We have more opportunities to learn and earn than any other nation. We have more freedom of decision on every aspect of our lives than in any other nation.

Stop encouraging and enabling the “poor me” crowd who is perfectly capable of contributing to society. This will allow us to contribute to those who truly need and deserve our financial and emotional support. Eliminating the entitlement attitude will assist America in getting back on their financial feet.

I am so proud to be associated with a group of positive, forward thinking, growth oriented entrepreneurs who contribute to society rather than detract from it. People who take responsibility for their decisions, actions and results are the examples of the leaders who created this great country of ours.

Are you a giver or a taker? It is a choice.

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