Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chasing Success

Ever watch a dog running in circles chasing his tail? Now I grant that most dogs do not have corporate level responsibilities, so it probably isn’t important how productively they spend their time.

An old story depicted an alley cat watching a dog racing madly in a circle chasing his tail. Finally the cat, you know the curiosity of cats, could no longer stand watching the dizzy dog. Alley cat, “Why are you running in circles chasing your tail?” Dizzy dog,”One of my friends explained to me that my happiness and success are all in my tail. If I can catch it and hold on, then I will have a firm hold on my success and happiness for the future.” “Hmmm,” stated the alley cat. “What I have discovered is that my happiness is indeed in my tail also. If I go about my business taking care of myself and my responsibilities, my tail follows me. When I am responsible I do not have to chase success and happiness, they always follow me.”

How many people follow the dog’s mindset and chase after success? Amazing how unproductive it becomes to chase after something. I fully agree that following your passion and working diligently toward your goals generally results in achieving more goals. Chasing after something has an air of desperation and need. Taking responsibility and methodically working each step on the path to success, encourages success to be attracted to you.

Attraction marketing and attraction leadership are widely acclaimed in the media. Using the attractor factor instead of the chasing mentality removes the desperation and stress. Any one who would enjoy a little less stress in their life? The medical industry receives a major portion of its income treating stress related issues. It is my opinion that the majority of the obesity problems have their origin in stress. We are creating our own stress. Why are we doing this to ourselves?

Our hurry scurry life of “I want it right now” has created an anxiety society. We have instant food from the microwave and fast food restaurants. We have ATM machines so we no longer have to wait in bank lines. We can even drive through Starbucks for our caffeine.

Success eludes us sometimes because we chase it with a desperate pursuit rather than creating value so that success becomes attracted to us. Success and happiness are attracted to the peaceful heart.

Think about the people you know and with whom you enjoy spending your time. Are you attracted to the tense and over stressed individuals or the people with whom you speak on a variety of subjects? Are you attracted to those with whom you enjoy activities and have fun? Think about the most successful people in you life. They are focused on their careers during working hours and totally present with their loved ones at other times.

Chasing success with the fury and intensity of a dog chasing his tail, results in circles more than forward progress. The alley cat wisdom of taking care of responsibility and allowing success and happiness to follow you results in a more productive life.

Re-examining your approach to life and success may result in more productivity, more success and more happiness. Having less stress becomes a bonus.

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