Monday, September 21, 2009

Play the Match Game

Picture yourself ordering in a restaurant. First you order a chef salad, then you change your order to a pasta salad and then you change your mind again and order a hamburger. What are the odd that you will receive exactly what you want at the moment the food arrives. Slim and none and slim just left town.

This is the way your subconscious mind feels when you keep changing your mind about what you truly desire to receive in life. Your instructions must be crystal clear and very specific. You can not say, “I want to earn a lot of money” and expect your subconscious mind to know exactly how many dollars that represents. The subconscious mind can only match your desire to your results when you are very specific. Set the exact goal you intend to achieve and the exact date by which it will be accomplished. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, you might say that you will weight 124 pounds by October 1, 2009. That is very specific in goal and time to be accomplished. The subconscious mind and go to work on that goal. The next step is to match your actions to the goal.

Purchasing a chocolate cake and a gallon of ice cream immediately after setting that goal would not match. Even though chocolate cake and ice cream are very tasty foods, eating them right now does not match the intention of losing weight. If you have found a way to pig out on dessert and lose weight at the same time, that is most unusual.

The point is that your goal must be very specific with a very specific completion time. All of your actions must match the desired outcome.

Match your current goals to your behavior. How is that working out for you?

If you have a home based business and you have a strong desire to replace your current income from your job, let’s set the intention. If you are currently earning 48,000 per year, that is 4,000 per month or 1,000 per week (based on a 4 week month to make calculation easier). You can set your goal to be earning 1,000 per week in your home based business within 30 days from today – whatever date that might be.

Set your actions to be consistent with your goal. For instance if you are earning 200 per sale, that means you must generate 5 sales per week. If you close one sale for every 10 people in your leads list, you will need to have 50 leads per week. Match your actions to follow through with your goal. Do whatever actions you need to take to generate 50 leads per week. Break your actions down to daily tasks and follow through.

Every time you think about an activity, ask yourself if it moves you closer to your goal or farther away. If it moves you closer – if it matches the result you are seeking – do it. Remember the ice cream and the goal of 124 pounds? The same principle applies to playing video games on your computer all day instead of generating leads.

Your instructions to your subconscious mind must be specific with a time deadline. Your actions must match your goal or it will not be achieved. Specific, clear, focused goals and absolute specific goal-oriented actions achieve desired results. Goals and actions must match. Play the match game with your goals and actions? Match – great. No match – change the actions. You can start fresh every day. Play the match game.

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