Friday, September 11, 2009

Actions Speak

You can make money or you can make excuses but rarely, if ever, can you make both at the same time.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people make excuses to explain why they did not succeed. It is far too common throughout the world for the unsuccessful to be excuse-makers. People choose to attempt to justify their action or inaction with words. The bottom line is that actions speak with such volume that the words can not be heard. Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, said that “if your neighbor’s pasture is greener than yours, then perhaps theirs is getting better care.” It does come down to the actions.

If you do well, then you have a right to accept the rewards with grace and pleasure. However, if you did not do well, then accept the results without grumbling. Even worse than griping and grumbling is blaming someone else. It is your result and therefore your responsibility. If that is a bitter pill to swallow then perhaps a strong dose of self-examination and diligent work will improve the outcome next time.

Jim Rohn reminds us that we must become good at one of two things: planting in the Spring or begging in the Fall. Personally I have found that planting, working, in the Spring and Summer make the Fall a much more pleasant experience. Even if it is not fun, I have spent many hours of intense self-examination to determine not only what went right but what could be done to make it even better. The other side of that coin is really taking a serious microscopic look at what did not go well and resolving to find a way to make it better. Just the resolve is not enough, the absolute action must follow. Analyze, take action, re-examine and take more positive action. If it is not moving me toward my goals, then it is probably time for a course correction.

As a home based business owner, I hear all kinds of excuses every day. It is the fault of the stock market, or the fault of their company, or the crackdown by Google. Ronnie Hawkins, David Foster, and many other highly successful entrepreneurs learned that when business takes a turn in another direction, simply adjust and attack from a different direction yourself. The point is that they did not sit and “poor me.” They took action to turn the situation around.

Having your own business, especially a home based business, requires you to be constantly alert and taking action. This is not a time to sit back and rely on yesterday’s methods and technology. Be creative, attack from a new direction. Conduct the intense self-examination, take responsibility and take positive action.

Actions speak with volume while excuses whimper.

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