Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Paradise Isle

Is your tent pitched on “Someday Isle?” There are two different tents pitched there – content and discontent. John C. Maxwell wrote in his book, “Think on These Things” about Which Tent Do You Live In (chapter 27.) Regardless of whether you choose to live on Paradise Isle or Someday Isle, you have chosen to live a life of being contented or discontented.

A truly contented person understands exactly where they are right now and where they intend to go. The contented person has a purpose for their life and their actions. Contented people place a value on their future; they possess a determination to persist until that goal is achieved.

By contrast, a discontented person whines, complains about how it is someone else’s fault, and mopes around feeling sorry for themselves. The discontented person moans about how other people have received all the breaks in life. Instead of getting up out of the tent of discontent and working for a better life, they find it easier to stay stuck in lack and depression.

Truly contented people know that the challenge to achieve is not only worth the effort, but is the only long term solution. They count their blessings for what they already possess and maintain a grateful heart for the opportunity to make a better future.

If you truly want to move from discontent to content, you must take new action. No matter what you do in life, you must maintain a positive attitude and a learning spirit. Learn how to restructure your thoughts, your words, your actions and your results.

Your mindset of being content or discontent with your situation makes all the difference. Making that mental shift can present a challenge. Some are able to make the mindset shift on their own by having a series of exercises; however, most people require more than a “do it yourself” system. The most expedient and personalized method is to hire a coach and mentor for guidance.

Success in life always goes to the content mindset, never the discontent mindset. Whether you are seeking personal success or business success, you must dissolve the discontent mindset. Of course if you enjoy being miserable, be my guest.

Every successful person throughout history has experienced challenges and setbacks. The difference between the successful and the failures is the content, growing mindset. The other element in common for the successful is that each one had a coach and mentor to guide them.

I invite you to move from the sparse tent of discontent on “Someday Isle” and move in to the plush tent of being content on Paradise Isle.

Come talk to me; let me help with the moving experience.

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