Friday, November 20, 2009

One Decision

Changing and improving your life hinges on one decision. Your next decision represents the turning point in your life. You have often heard that “today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Today really can be a new beginning IF you decide that today will be different than yesterday.

Today you can:

1. Start a new way of eating. You can start a healthy food intake. Notice that I did not say “diet.” True weight reduction represents a change of eating habits. Diet implies doing without for a short period of time. Changing your eating patterns represents a change in lifestyle. It may mean a gradual change such as eating more fresh fruit and vegetables or cutting down on your chocolate intake. Even a small change makes a positive difference. The important element of making one decision which you can and will carry forward starts improving your life.

2. Start a new physical fitness program. Don’t panic. Starting a new physical fitness program can be as simple as making a decision to start walking fifteen minutes a day. No, it does not mean you must commit to hiring a personal trainer and working out an hour per day every day. Start with walking or even a slog (slog means a slow jog) depending on your current fitness level. Personally, I relish my exercise time. Whether I am hiking through the beautiful Colorado countryside or doing body sculpture exercises (body sculpture, or BS as we lovingly term it, represents a series of strengthening and toning exercises followed by mild cardio exercise.) Exercise can be and should be fun. Start at your own pace and gradually build time and intensity until you reach your goal. One decision to start your physical fitness program followed by consistent action makes a world of difference. Everything starts with one decision. Remember to make a decision you can and will follow through on a consistent basis.

3. Start using a schedule to more efficiently manage your time. Start by setting a specific time each day when you will read something to improve your life. Your subconscious mind is most receptive first thing in the morning when you first awake from an alpha sleep and the last thing at night before you drift off to an alpha sleep. Programming your mind with positive thoughts at those two times sets a positive tone for the entire day. Positive thoughts just before sleep insure a restful sleep. If those times do not fit your schedule, select a time which does work for you. The key factor revolves around making one decision to start reading something productive every day. My personal preference would be at least 30 minutes per day. Perhaps you will choose to start with ten pages per day. Make a decision to start reading and follow through with reading every day at that time. Enhancing your life starts with a simple decision and continues with the action of daily follow through.

4. Decide to follow through with your passion in life. One decision to start your own business can make each current work day better. Just knowing that you choose not to be an employee for the remainder of your career removes a huge burden from your shoulders. Knowing that you choose not to be an employee for the remainder of your career lifts the weight of Atlas from your shoulders. One decision to take back control of your life, your duties, your earnings and your future provides new hope. Life thrives on hope and dies without hope. Give yourself the gift of hope with one decision. Decide to live life to the fullest. Decide to live life on your terms. Being your own boss breathes hope into your present and your future. Your new happy future begins today with one decision to start your own business. Start part time. Replace your earnings and then move to full time. The key element is to start. You do not have to be good to start, but you must start in order to be good. Everything starts with one decision. Make a decision and follow through. Your current and future life will thank you.

Everything changes today and improves tomorrow with the simple act of making one decision. Make a decision which you can and will follow through. Your life tomorrow depends on making one decision today.

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