Saturday, November 14, 2009

How Big Is Your “Why?”

Every business encounters obstacles. Whether you use those as an excuse to give up or a reason to forge ahead and discover a solution depends on the strength of your “why.”

As a single mother with two little boys to care for, my “why” was powerful. My little guys were one and three when I found myself alone without any child support. Looking at those little faces provided a massive reason to overcome any and all obstacles.

How compelling is your reason to persevere through challenges? If you are of the mindset… “I’ll give it a try,” you will fail. Remove the words “try,” “maybe,” “if,” “perhaps,” and “someday.” Each of these words convey a feeling of uncertainly. Even worse, they are words which give you permission to fail. Try is one of the most hesitant. That is a “dip your toe in the water” word. It means that you do not have any firm commitment to success.

When you make statements, use strong affirmative words.
I am. . .
I will . . .
I attract . . .
I achieve. . .

If those feel too strong for your subconscious to agree and accept, then say, “I am in the process of . . .” The words you use to yourself in your self talk will creep out to others either in direct words or in vibration. Hesitant, non confident words convey a lack of belief in yourself and in whatever you are presenting.

Using weak language is the kiss of death in any form of sales, especially home based business sales. With so many opportunities and so many home based business entrepreneurs marketing their various products, confidence is not optional. Unless you believe in yourself and your product, how can you possibly expect someone else to believe in you enough to send you money? Remember, they buy you first and your product second.

Confident words convey strength of commitment in your company and product. Confident words establish you as the leader. When your self talk is positive and definite, it translates to positive feelings and positive vibrations to others. I remember when I first started in this industry, I was meek and mild. Consequently my sales were scarce or non-existent. It took many hours of intense self-examination to discover the root cause of the problem. My self talk did not display confidence in my ability.

Developing the confidence of a successful person before, you actually experience that success is challenging. I had to draw on my prior success and establish that feeling as I spoke to prospects. Draw on your prior feeling of success, affirm the feeling with committed words and project your belief to others.

The stronger your “why,” the more you dig deep into your feelings and muster the courage and confidence to persevere. When your “why” truly motivates you to do whatever it takes, you will find the strong feelings. A weak “why” and you will quit at the first little challenge.

As a single mother with two adorable little guys depending on me for everything, failure was not an option. I knew I would find a way to give them the love, support and encouragement they needed to grow into healthy men. That is a powerful “why.”

Examine your reason for having your own business. How powerful is your “why.”

Contact me at and we will work together to insure your success.

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