Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fountains of Life

Fountains inspire and delight us with their beauty. Streams of glistening water particles catch the sunlight and sparkle like fine crystal. The purity and intricate design of the spray fascinates us and mesmerizes us. The fountains throughout Europe are particularly ornate and plentiful.

Fountains present an image of serenity. How much of your life resembles a fountain? Are you sitting back as a casual observer watching the hours and days shoot up as streams of potential only to fall into the pool of water at the end of the day and dissolve into oblivion? Each hour possesses its own magic potential and yet we let it slip away almost unconscious of its passing.

Each one of us receives 24 hours per day. How we manage those hours determines the results of our day and ultimately our life. We profess the goal of happiness and yet far too often we sacrifice the long term happiness by indulging in momentary pleasure. Aristotle declared that the ultimate purpose of human life was to achieve your own happiness. I agree. The pointed question is what you are willing to sacrifice right now in this moment in order to achieve long term happiness.

You hear the auto mechanic or even your doctor say “pay me now or pay me later.” Focused concentration on your goals today will require some temporary lack of fun. Nothing worthwhile is delivered to you on a golden platter. You must work for it.

Either you eat nutritious food, exercise and maintain excellent physical and mental health now or pay the penalty of enormous medical bill later. Pay now or later. Either you perform minor routine maintenance on your vehicle or pay large repair bills later.

Vehicles and health represent essential elements of life for most people, but the most important element of career is swept under the door mat. How happy are you with your career? Do you truly feel fulfilled or are you just getting through the days in exchange for a pay check, a check which probably does not even cover your basic needs.

Gaze at the fountain again, are you allowing your life to shoot up as you awaken every morning and fall into oblivion every night? Unless your thoughts, feelings and actions are aligned, your life is slipping into obscurity as the droplets of water from a fountain.

Stephen Covey said, “Be sure that, as you scramble up the ladder of success, it is leaning against the right building.” When you reach the end of your days, will you sink into the “what if I can” thoughts or the “win or lose, I reached for all of my dreams” feeling? Everyone has been given a dream. Whether or not you stuff it in a corner or fill it full of hopeful warm loving intention is totally your choice. More people regret not having even tried than pedal to the metal effort regardless of the outcome.

As we begin this New Year, new decade and new week, listen intently to your intuition, your “whispering inner voice.” Determine what is truly important to you and design a plan to bring it into reality. Dare to dream big dreams. Dare to stretch for something which makes your blood churn with a red hot heat of passionate desire.

Bring that fountain of beauty and majesty into your soul and thrill to the excitement of new challenges and new potential. Allow the particles of enthusiasm to shoot up through your heart and mind and spread out to every part of your body.

Fountains represent beauty and potential or waste. You choose one or the other every day – by design or default.

To explore your true potential and goals, join me at

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