Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sacrifice Some of the Now for the Future

An ambitious young married man loved to go party with his new bride. They enjoyed socializing and entertaining. Friday night date night meant a romantic evening out at a special restaurant and perhaps the theater after dinner. Saturday night typically involved gathering with friends for a jovial evening of companionship over dinner. Both he and his bride thoroughly enjoyed a robust social life.

It came as a shock to her when he declared an end to their social whirl. He decided to learn every aspect of the insurance business. He started studying all of the books of top producers, attending sales training seminars, masterminding with other insurance salesmen who were consistently receiving performance awards. “What are you doing? What happened to our fun life together,” she whined.

Ever been in that situation? When you change goals and career directions, your friends and family do not automatically jump on board with your life path.

Decision time. Are you willing to sacrifice some of the now for the future? Pay me now or pay me later. Either you invest the time and efforts now in order to earn a better future or play now and suffer at retirement time. Whether you make it as a conscious decision or drift along and let time decide for you, the choice is made. Choose consciously now or choose by default.

Fortunately for this young bridegroom, his wife understood his plan for their future. She agreed to sacrifice some of their now in order to create a far better future. Without the support of your spouse or significant other, the follow through becomes more difficult. Not impossible but more challenging.

Ski resorts are filled with talented people who left school or left careers for a season of powder pleasures; some of them never left. Bartenders and waiters abound who were a year or two short of completing their degrees. Beach towns abound with aging surf board addicts. They are living in the now and by default throwing away any future potential.
Gorgeous George was a famous example of a handsome hunk who lived the resort life for years. Finally his eyes opened to the difference between himself as a “resort flunkie” and the wealthy members he served. George went back to school, applied himself and became incredibly successful. He made the decision to sacrifice some of the now for the future.

Our young bridegroom applied himself for six years. He studied and applied the knowledge until he became vice president of the insurance company. Now he and his wife enjoy an even more lucrative social life with peers who also chose to sacrifice some of the now for the future.

Where are you on your journey? Are you still living with the party lights and warming a bar stool at Mahogany Ridge, the local mahogany topped bar? Either you sacrifice some of the now for a wonderful future or play now and suffer the consequences later.

Picture your life five years from now. Picture your life twenty years from now. If you continue exactly as you are right now, will you have the life you want in five or twenty years?

Every successful person in any industry has sacrificed the momentary pleasures of their early career years for the long term benefit of a successful career.

Decide exactly how you would like for your career to develop. Make specific decisions and commit to follow through to completion. Sacrifice current pleasures for the future benefit.

Contact me at for specific techniques to direct your life in a positive path.

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