Monday, June 15, 2009

Attracting Highly Qualified Leaders

Probably my biggest frustration is attracting enough highly qualified prospects to my business.
The first issue is highly qualified. I know that if I have the opportunity to speak to enough highly qualified people, I will attract leaders and producers into my business. This has been proven over the years in several different businesses. Leaders and producers want to work with leaders and producers. No top level business person seeks out the inexperienced newbie to join his/her team. That is just a fact. Even Aaron Parkinson said that when he attended his first live event he sat with someone who said they had been in x number of months and did not have a sale. Aaron got up, picked up his food, politely excused himself and left.
Noted business experts have stated that there is never a long line waiting to speak to the person at the bottom of the mountain.
People want to work with successful leaders. Until I had success of my own, I leveraged the success of my sponsor. If you and your sponsor are both new then leverage the success of your sponsor’s sponsor. If necessary, go all the way up the chain and leverage Jay and Aaron. People want to work with someone who knows how to “get it done.”

Once you have your own success story, the next step is absolutely self-branding. You can do that in any number of ways: web 2.0 (social networking) where your picture, your video, your story, your voice create an image of you as a person and a leader. Social networking is the “new kid on the block.” It is the new media for reaching out and touching vast numbers of people. Is there a learning curve? Of course. Every form of marketing has a learning curve. If you don’t believe that, you are either genius or delusional. How long or short that learning curve depends on your prior experience, desire to plunge in and learn, and perhaps your financial ability to seek qualified help to shorten the curve. In any case, you want to attract top quality. In order to attract top quality, you must be top quality.
Everyone has strong points. Learn to bring yours out in such a way that others will be attracted to you. You have successes in your life. You have accomplishments. Express them openly and honestly. Don’t embellish, but don’t put yourself down either. Be honest. Look at yourself through objective eyes and see yourself for the great person that you are. Others will be attracted to honesty and accomplishment. Whatever you have already accomplished is still a goal of someone reading your story or seeing your video. Don’t be afraid to express your goals. They will follow you not only for where you have been but also where you are going.
The world constantly alternates between a desire for quality and quantity. Once you have the quality, expand what you are doing to attract more quantity. Keep going, never quit. Tweak the process. Do more of whatever works best. Sounds simple, it is basic.

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