Monday, June 15, 2009

Entitlement Mentality

With the entitlement mentality, many expect someone else to take charge and do it for them. With weight loss, they want to do it with a pill rather than change their food intake and exercise routine. So many people expect someone or something else to do it for them. Even our healthcare has become an entitlement issue. There are far too many who expect the government to pay for their healthcare rather than taking responsibility for their decisions. Smoking, drinking too much, eating junk food (the recession obesity mentality – more food for less money even if it is all bad for you), and too many desserts all contribute to the pounds on the body.

Our business or even our job reflects the same thought pattern. We expect someone else to make the decisions for us and tell us what to do or not do. It is so much easier to blame someone else than look in the mirror and take ownership of the result and improve it. Look seriously at yourself and your own thought pattern. Are you actively thinking and taking action to make your life better?

Health and finances are easy to measure. Look in the mirror. How do you look and feel? How badly do you want it to be different? What are you willing to do to make that improvement? Books, mentors, companies, and all of the motivational material in the world do not make any changes in your life unless you decide to change. Once you make a firm decision, then form a plan and start taking positive action to achieve the result you desire.

I have over 30 years of professional success in brick and mortar business and network marketing businesses. Ask me questions and I will respond to you.

I’m very good at many things, but mindreading is not one of them. Ask me questions and I will give you straight answers.

Have an awesome day. Make the decision and take action today. It is your life and your choices.

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