Friday, September 25, 2009

Gratitude for Our Opportunity

Whether we like the current president or whether we like the current economy, pales in comparison to the advantages we enjoy in America.

We live in the greatest nation in the world. We have the freedom to worship as we please. There are so many countries where people have to worship in secret. We ring massive church bells to say where we worship. Our religious books abound on every possible sect and religion. Celebrate our freedom of worship.

Our public schools are not only open to all our youth but we very strongly encourage all of our young people to not just be literate but be truly educated. Our service organizations and so many other sources donate thousands and thousands of dollars in scholarships to assist worthy but needy students to enjoy higher education. Temple University was started as an idea when poor black students came to Russell Conwell and asked him to tutor them in college classes. He was so taken with the idea of providing this education that he almost single handed raised the millions of dollars necessary to state Temple University. He did this by traveling all over giving a speech titled “Acres of Diamonds.” This speech and the reason for creating it impressed me so much that I have written an entire article on it.

We have the freedom to start a business of our own. There are so many places in the world where that is not a possibility. Just by thinking of the idea and working to make it a reality, we can create our own business. Greeting cards, lawn services, housekeeping services, painting, handyman, babysitting and cooking to name a few ideas were all available to start as a business. Simply think of an idea. Think what you are good at doing and enjoy doing. Develop it into a business. Every successful business was at one point simply the glimmer of an idea in someone’s mind. If you was something already created, then join a home based business. If you have lots of money to invest, then you might even consider a franchise.

A home based business has a low start up fee and can be started on a part time basis which you continue your job. The point is that we are totally free to start our own business any time we please. We are free to decide and take action.

We have the freedom to travel from state to state and enjoy seeing all of our beautiful country and beyond its borders. We have so many freedoms here.

When was the last time you heard someone say, “If I could just get to (name any third world country), everything would be great.” Heard anyone set out in a rickety boat from Florida just to get to the promised land of Cuba? No. They are all coming here to the land of opportunity and freedom.

Cherish your freedom and be grateful for all of the opportunities we have at our fingertips.

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