Sunday, September 13, 2009

Head Games

Sometimes we unintentionally get in our own way of success. We allow the “monkey chatter” to instill doubts and hesitation. Our friends, family and co-workers add to that monkey chatter weakening our resolve to succeed.

I love my family dearly; however, they are not always on exactly the same success track as I have laid out for myself. For some strange reason because I have been successful in the past and I am 65, they seem to think I should retire and stay retired. Personally, I love stimulating conversations and new ventures to entice my mind to grow. The rocking chair and mindless coffee club chit chat is totally unappealing to me.

Co-workers who are set in the employee mindset simply do not understand that drive deep in your soul to create and grow your own business. If they are stuck in the “a job means security and a regular paycheck’ mentality, they resist stepping out of that comfort zone. Paul Zane Pilzer, economic adviser to 2 presidents declares that having a job is far more risk, especially in the current economy, than owning your own business. This is the age and time of the entrepreneur. More fortune 500 companies started during an economic downturn than at any other time in history. A job is risky. You have no control over how long it will exist or your future income.

Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, reminds us that in order for things to change, we must change. In order for us to receive more, we must become more. Is that always easy, absolutely not. Is it worth the nervous butterflies right now in order to achieve your goals for the future? Speaking from personal experience – absolutely YES. I am psychologically unemployable. I am an entrepreneur. I seriously tried to be a good employee several times in my life and found that I was pushing at the corners and stretching the walls of the box that employment placed around me. I do not belong in a cubicle. I do not thrive in an atmosphere where I am being told what to do and when to do it. Do you relate to that feeling?

Entrepreneurs have a different mindset than employees. We just do. That is not a bad thing. In fact, that exact mindset is what created America in the first place. Our forefathers came to this country to remove themselves from control and build their businesses. When they did not get the freedom they wanted, they rebelled. That very act of standing up for their creative entrepreneurial desires created a great country and freedom for all of us.

Listen to your feelings and your instincts and dare to create the life you deserve. Jim Rohn, also said there are people you can spend an hour with, but not a day or a day but not a week. Respect your family, friends and co-workers but follow your heart and passion. Get in touch with your deep desires for your future. Put a gag on the monkey chatter and refuse to listen to it. You deserve succe4ss. You deserve to have it all.

Life is to be lived, loved and enjoyed. Why condemn yourself to mediocrity when you can step out of your comfort zone and reach for the moon. If you miss the moon and hit the stars, you are still ahead of being stuck in a mud puddle where you are miserable.

My mission is to improve the lives of everyone I touch – personally, professionally and financially. Reach for your dreams. I did and I am. I love my life. My desire is that you love your life as well.

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