Monday, September 28, 2009

Keywords are the Key

Targeting your audience is so important in marketing. It is the difference between using a scatter gun or a laser to hit your target. When you shoot a general blast from a scatter gun, the odds of hitting a specific target are slim and none.

Let’s put it in a dating analogy. You do not say I want to marry someone, anyone will do. You select the gender, you describe in detail each characteristic you desire and probably the characteristics you do NOT want. That is narrowing the field to specifics.

Key word targeting works the same identical way. You select a general category and keep narrowing until you reach your specific criteria. For example, if you were seeking a dentist, you would first type in dentist and then narrow the search to dentists in your geographic area. You would then enter "dentists in Denver, CO." From that list you would narrow the choices to the dental specialty you were seeking. You might say, “cosmetic dentistry." From that list you might narrow it to the dental offices close by your house, or years in business, or specific cosmetic procedures performed, or even those who accepted your insurance. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to be pleased with the one you select.

Google loves relevant content. Google expects your keywords to match your ad to match your landing page. The more consistent and targeted, the better Google likes your ad campaign. Google is all about having the person who is searching the internet find exactly what they expected to find every step of the process.

For instance if your keyword was "cosmetic dentist in Denver," the searcher would not be happy to find that the ad talked about a home based business selling juice. That will get your page slapped in a heartbeat. Even having a page that talked about pulling your wisdom teeth would be a disconnect. Both cosmetic dentistry and pulling teeth are in the dental field but they are not related enough to give the searcher the specific information they were seeking. Relevance is so critical to Google. Yahoo and MSN are not quite as strict yet. Why not learn to do it correctly from the beginning. . .

Articles, blogs, and videos also function better with specific keywords. Vague keywords will give you the scatter gap effect. Know exactly who you wish to enroll in your business. If your home based business is health products then you obviously want to target someone who is interested in be healthy. People who belong to a gym or frequent health food stores or are steady customers of fresh fruit stands. You would not go after Norm from Cheers who likes beer, does not exercise and perhaps smokes. That would not be your target. Even though that person would benefit from being healthy, they are probably not in the market for health products.

Weave your targeted keywords throughout your article, blog, video and internet advertising.

If you are promoting a home based business, the key elements are always marketing and mindset. You must have both. No business anywhere thrives without marketing and a mindset for success. Use your keywords to target your specific audience. Sprinkle them throughout your blog, articles, video and your internet ads. Having the main idea keyword in the opening sentence is good. If it works into the title and still is a title that sizzles and creates interest, great. If not, keep the title which creates interest. Use the keywords and language that relates to the keywords. For instance if your theme was related to dentistry, use words a dentist would relate to and words a person seeking a dentist would likely type into the search engine.

Keywords are key to marketing success. You can have the best article in the world, but if no one types in those words and finds it, it is still a lost effort.

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