Monday, January 25, 2010

Logs on the Fire

Nothing warms the heart and the spirit as much as a warm fire on a cold, snowy day. Snuggle up to the hearth when the lifts close at any ski resort. Everyone congregates by the fire to share a beverage and remove the chill from happy but tired muscles. The fireplace constitutes the magic gathering place to share tales of the epic run through the trees. Enjoy the laughter as someone relates the dollop of snow falling off a tree branch and connecting with pinpoint accuracy directly through the collar of the ski jacket and down the back. Burr, that cold chill drove straight to the core. Stopping in deep powder is not an option unless you want to pole your way out of the forest.

Tales around the fire inspire laughter and good natured teasing about getting stuck in a tree well. Gathering around the fire means camaraderie and fun.

Fire also means a backyard barbeque in the summertime with friends and neighbors gathered to play and share. Gathering around a fire as a child roasting marshmallows or making smores means tasty fun. In case you did not make smores as a child, place a toasty warm marshmallow and a block of Hershey’s chocolate between two graham crackers. Yumm. Smores represent backyard or camping fun for children and adults.

Fire symbolizes warmth, fun and passion. The fire of passion in your soul for your goals intensifies the likelihood of achieving those goals. Without a passionate fire burning in your soul to achieve those goals, you have significantly reduced the likelihood of achievement.

Steve Jobs, the icon and founder of Apple Computers, credits his passion as his key to success. “You’ve got to find what you love. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to Love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”

Fire in the physical flame or metaphorical fire in your passion for your life constitutes the difference between success and failure. Every successful person owned, lived and breathed their passion. Olympic athletes, concert master musicians, inventors and corporate moguls were all consumed with passion for their chosen mission in life.

Finding your passion, designing a plan to achieve it and following through no matter what the obstacle makes all the difference between success and failure. There may be a temporary burst of flame and fortune, but never a lasting roaring fire unless you are deeply passionate about your goals.

Stoking that flame by continually adding logs is essential. Add a log by reading good books of successful people who have achieved similar goals in your field of endeavor. Add a log by listening to educational, inspirational and motivational leaders in your industry. Add a log by surrounding yourself with like minded goal oriented people. Add another log by focusing on your goal to the exclusion of distracting activities and people.

There will be people around you who throw buckets of water or even a garden hose on your dreams. They discourage and ridicule your goals all with the supposed intention of doing it “for your own good.” It is easier for well intentioned friends and family to douse your flame of desire than to discover and fan their own flame. It is easier to drag the Joneses down to a lower level than rise to meet them on a higher plane.

Constantly fan your flame of desire by giving yourself positive affirmations. Constantly fan your flame by celebrating every little success on the way to the major goal. Constantly write and re-write your goals to keep re-affirming your long range objective.

Believe in yourself and your goal so firmly that you never allow that passionate flame of desire to flicker and reduce to an ember. Without a roaring flame of passionate desire in your heart, soul and actions, you will flicker and fail.

Fire means warmth, fun, passion and success. Keep your flame burning brightly. Come join me at for inspiration, encouragement and assistance in achieving your goals.

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