Friday, January 15, 2010

Perspective on Success

Attention Entrepreneurs!

Anything which gets in the way of your goal constitutes a distraction. Medical school is an extremely worthwhile and valuable activity, but not unless you are choosing a career in the medical profession. If your goal is to become a network marketer, medical school is a distraction.

Focus on your goals. Focus on your strengths. Regain perspective in your life.

Look seriously at your perspective on your life and your business. Today’s activities determine tomorrow’s success. Your greatest moment, your greatest achievement, your greatest adventure can be and should be in the future. The future is within your control. The past by the very nature of it being the past can not be changed. The new you strains to be created. New potential, new achievement and new experiences await you. Each new dawn brings wonder and joy. The future hold excitement if you allow it.

Yesterday remains a memory. Learn from it, yes, but leave it behind you. Look ahead to what you can be tomorrow. Where are you going with your life?

There was a passage in “The Noticer” by Andy Andrews about two men sitting on the beach eating. When asked what he was eating, one man answered, “Vienna sausages and sardines.” When asked where he was eating, he replied, “I’m sitting in the sand.” “Ah,” his companion replied, “it is all in your perspective. I am dining on surf and turf with an ocean view.” Perspective makes all the difference.

What perspective governs your life? Are you grateful for the blessings, advantages and talents you possess or grumbling about the challenges you face?

Life hands each and every one of us opportunities every day. How we choose to view those opportunities determines the difference between the successful and the failures. Viewing a new business striving for success can be frustration and stress or excitement about the potential. Check your perspective.

I’ve been to many hospitals and each time I hear the new baby pronounced as a boy or a girl. Never have I heard a new baby pronounced as an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is a learned skill. Yes, there are some of us who are psychologically unemployable. We have that intense inner burning desire to create and take control of our income and our future. We are the leaders. We are the risk takers.

An entrepreneur has a different perspective on life. We take charge. We take action. Our perspective is that life is fun. Life and business are challenges to be internalized. We dine on surf and turf with an ocean view. We see the potential in every opportunity.

Entrepreneurs have an excited perspective on life and business.

You are extraordinary. Touch base with your perspective in every situation. Never allow yourself to feel inadequate. One of the problems of living in the greatest nation in the world is that our perspective of entitlement gets skewed. We take our advantages for granted. Because our entire experience has been in a nation of abundance, regardless of our personal circumstances, we have more freedom and potential here than any other nation in the world. Our perspective gets tainted. We expect good opportunities to flow to us in such abundance that we do not always dig deep in our being to discover our own talents and strengths.

Dine on surf and turf with an ocean view. Use a positive perspective in every aspect of your life. Tap into your passion. Discover your talents and strengths.

Depending on your perspective, life can be a thrilling adventure or drudgery. You choose. Opportunity is a choice. Entrepreneurialism is a choice. Your perspective is a choice.

For more insight into your passion, talents, strengths and perspective, join me at

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