Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Success is a matter of firm decision. It is a matter of commitment. It is a matter of being willing to stake your actions and your resources, not just your words. Your level of commitment determines your results.
Cortez was a very wealthy man in Spain. He heard about a fabulous treasure deep in the heart of Mexico which had been held by the same army for over 600 years. He sold everything he had and borrowed more from the Spanish government in 1519 to buy 11 ships, 600 men and 20 horses. Everyone is all excited to go get the treasure until they get out to sea on the way to Cuba and some begin to whine. “I didn’t know it would be so far.” “I didn’t know I would have to work for it.”

Cortez knew that with the right help, he could take the treasure so he drilled the men on the beach for weeks after they landed in Mexico. The morning of the battle he called them together for a final pep talk. You remember pep rallies in high school. . . Cortez stood on a platform and the men expected him to say, “We’re going in to battle and if we win, we’ll meet back here on the beach for a party. We’ll bring in cake and punch and music from a local catering company. If it gets too tough we’ll meet back here and go to the boats to talk over our next approach.” Instead he leaned in and said “Burn the boats.” They said, “Excuse me.” Cortez said, “Burn the boats. If we are going home, we are going in their boats.”
An amazing thing happened. The men fought really well and took the treasure. Cortez raised their level of commitment.

If you expect to thrive in a tough economy, you must be ready to burn the boats. You must be ready to keep running until the kite flies. Swing for the fence and keep swinging.

Step one in any situation includes comprehensive analysis of the problem. Solving a problem without clearly identifying the problem and the causes constitutes an exercise in futility.

Employment uncertainty? With major companies closing their doors, downsizing or sending jobs overseas, many people suffer from the fear of job loss. Even though those fears may have justification, the very act of indulging in fear intensifies the issue. The subconscious mind accepts and works to manifest whatever you think about; bringing your thoughts into reality is the job of the subconscious mind. Knowing that you create your own reality means that you also have the power to change and improve your reality. Fearing a job loss and dwelling on that fear only increases the probability of unintentionally creating that very occurrence. The problem is therefore intensified by your very fearful thoughts. Job loss becomes a result of your thoughts. The problem is really not a job loss but your very thoughts of fear of a job loss.

Problem = Fear of a job loss rather than an actual job loss. If you create the thought in the first place, you have the power to change the thought to a more positive and constructive thought.

Fear represents a destructive use of our creative abilities. Winners, successful people, experience fear but they never allow it to stop them. Concentrating on fear means focusing on the negative rather than the positive. Winners acknowledge various outcomes exist and then go to work with a laser focus on creating the positive result they desire.

Be willing to be creative: creative with your business, creative with your finances, creative with your life.

Wouldn’t it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could press “Ctrl Alt Delete” and start all over?

We know our economy is a mess right now and everyone points the finger at someone else as the responsible party.

How come we choose from 2 people for President and 50 for Miss America?

For a personalized positive approach to your life, join me at www.Elaine4Success.com.

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