Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ready to Break All Your Barriers to Success?

Headlines scream "danger" and everyone buys the paper. "Have a Wonderful Holiday" as the headline and people smile and walk on down the street. The biggest barriers, those boulders in your head and iron walls surrounding your heart never even merit a mention. Even worse, these issues are the 600 pound gorilla in our lives which we drag around with us. You pretend it does not exist and yet you are so attached to it that you mentally put a seat belt around it to be certain it stays close to you.

Why continue to lug that burden around? Just because your emotional crutch has traveled with you throughout your life, does not mean you need to clutch it like a child holding on to an ice cream cone. This does even taste or feel good. It is only familiar.

Stop covering it up with LancĂ´me makeup or wrapping it in Gucci togs. Figure out what caused it and get rid of it. Holidays bring out a variety of mental monsters. Your pet gorilla may have been born when your sister received a nicer doll on the fourth Christmas than you did. May your pet gorilla's birthday was when you did not get the bicycle you wanted for your fifth birthday. Maybe it was some grievous offense committed by one of your parents at some point in your junior high school days. It may be something which no one knows about except you. How can you expect someone to correct an offense which they do not even know they committed?

Even if they know about it, who is it hurting? Not them; they sleep peacefully snuggled in their crisp clean sheets and warm cuddly blankets at night. You are the only one wrestling with the gorilla pulling all the covers off the bed. Do you enjoy suffering? Maybe, you have done it for so many years. Do you really want to continue lugging that extra weight around?

Look your gorilla squarely in the eye. Determine exactly when and why he entered your life. Looking back on your life and putting the situation in perspective, is it really that significant to still be upset after all these years? Incidents which occurred within the first five or six years of our life took on a completely different perspective at that tender age than they do when viewed in the bright sunshine of an adult existence. Yes, I remember an extremely unpleasant incident with my father when I was three years old. I can still see the entire scene and hear his hateful words; however, they no longer hurt me.

My father passed away almost ten years ago. He can do absolutely nothing about those words now. For me to hold on to that pain and nurture it festering in my soul would only harm me and those who care about me. Why would I choose to give him or anyone else that power and control over my life? I am alive and thriving today. He said what he said for whatever reason he said it; incident closed. I have a wonderful life to live and enjoy. I choose to live free from old programming and old situations.

Look carefully at your old programming. What limiting beliefs or dented self confidence are you allowing to block your path to a healthy and happy future? 2010 edges closer to us every day. Why not make it your best year ever.

Dismantle that old gorilla; pull the stuffing out of him. Pummel him into the width of a snowflake. No longer allow anything or anyone to block your path to the delightful prosperity and happiness you so richly deserve.

A common New Years resolution is to lose weight. You have just been presented with a delightful and almost instant way to remove an unwanted and un-necessary 600 pounds from your shoulders. Whew! Feel the relief. Smile at yourself. You have just accomplished something only a minute proportion of the world ever does. You took off a huge amount of weight during the holidays and did it with a release of pain in the process. Congratulations.

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