Friday, December 4, 2009

Success Strategy

“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.”
Sir Winston Churchill

Reading through numerous success quotes reveals a predominant theme. No one achieves success instantaneously. Success arrives through the process of failing over and over, getting back up each time and persisting. The magic secret of all successful people is continuing to strive until the goal is achieved. Time after time we meet obstacles. Those obstacles are only insurmountable if you perceive them as such. Persistent and consistent action on a well designed course of action results in success.

Note the clue of “well designed course of action.” A major part of success is showing up over and over again with the right attitude and a determination which will not be denied.

First define exactly what you desire to achieve. Being very specific about your destination creates the beginning of a success track. Know exactly what success “looks like” for you. Define success in every specific detail: the amount of money, the achievement of a very specific award, an exact number on the scales, comfortably wearing a specific size or a specific garment. Knowing precisely what goal constitutes success to you, is the only way you can quantitatively measure achieving it.

For an athlete, it may be competing in the Olympic Games and winning the gold medal in a specific event. For someone who is dieting and exercising, it may be comfortably zipping and buttoning that favorite pair of test jeans. For someone else it may be earning ten thousand dollars a month or even one hundred thousand dollars a month. Different people have different measures of success.

Bob Dylan, rock star, says, “A person is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.” Being able to do what you choose to do rather than what you feel you are required to do certainly feels successful. Living life on your terms rather than on someone else’s terms implies a degree of success and freedom. Any time someone else controls your time and duties, you are never totally free.

Success embodies freedom to most people. Entrepreneurialism conveys a degree of freedom to me. It allows me to establish my own duties, my own hours and my own potential lifestyle. Freedom represents an integral part of success to me. Freedom also represents a moving success target. Freedom changes as my success goals evolve. Success changes over the years. What constituted success in my 20s was an entirely different set of criteria than success in my 60s. Success becomes an evolving goal as it should. Ideally, you keep achieving your success target and raising the bar for yourself.

I love Monty Hall’s success quote, “Actually, I’m an overnight success. But it took twenty years.” Set your ideal achievement, what true success looks like to you. Next create a specific plan to achieve that success goal.

If you are an entrepreneur, it will consist of a certain number of customers, a certain amount of earnings or even better, a specific net profit per month. Designing your plan will include knowing which marketing method you prefer. Know how you plan to utilize the marketing method in order to generate the ideal number of customers. What do you need to learn and do in order to implement that marketing successfully?

It will also specify the number of leads or customers you require to generate a specific number of sales. Determine the cost per customer to generate those sales. Calculate the profit per sale and the number of sales required to meet the goal. Specify the time frame in which to accomplish each task.

Take Action.

Know every detail of what you consider your success goal. Design the specific plan to achieve it. Put the plan into action. Give yourself regular checkpoints to determine if you are on schedule. Readjust as necessary. Be persistent and consistent. Success absolutely results with this formula.

For more success tips and inspiration, join me at To your unending success.

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