Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Make a Difference

You can make a difference in someone’s life today. Making a difference can be as simple as allowing another car to merge into your lane on a busy freeway, holding a door for someone, smiling encouragement, or any random act of kindness. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean a great deal.

Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical reproduced in mood enhancing drugs. Your body naturally produces Serotonin. It is a known fact that Serotonin automatically increases in the brain of a person performing an act of kindness. The Serotonin increases in the brain of the person receiving the act of kindness; it is even known to increase Serotonin in the brains of people observing an act of kindness. Everyone can make a difference by doing some random act of kindness.

Wayne Dyer, prolific author, speaker and professor, told the story of one of his daughters, Summer, simply letting a lady with a few items and an active toddler go in front of her at the grocery checkout. The lady was so grateful that she told Summer that she had just moved to the area a few months earlier. The lady said that she had decided if she did not see a welcoming sign by the end of the day she would insist that her family move back to their former state. She told Summer, “you are my sign. We will stay.”

Summer was so impressed that such a simple gesture would make a difference that she told a friend of hers who was attending college in another state. The friend related her story of pulling up to the toll both on the interstate and discovering that the car ahead of her had paid her toll. This simple unexpected random act of kindness impressed her so much that she decided to do that every day when she drove through the toll booth.

Tiny little random acts of kindness can multiply and spread the Serotonin in a ripple effect far from the original act. Yes, one person can make a difference; however, many random acts of kindness can instill smiles of the faces of so many people.

In this time of economic turmoil, how wonderful it will be to generate random acts of kindness. You will either be remembered for the problems you solve or the problems you create. Why not start a cascade of random acts of kindness and make a difference for a large number of people.

Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher reminds us, “It is Easy to do. The problem is that it is also easy not to do.” Commit right now to doing a random act of kindness for at least three people today. If you are really ambitious, do something nice for 5 people.

Write a little 2 line note of encouragement, inspiration or thanks to three people. Call someone or stop by to see them. Tell someone at the office “Good job on the presentation.” Thank the receptionist or thank the doorman or a clerk in a store. Tell someone they look nice. Saying a kind word is so easy. Random acts of kindness to others increases good feelings for you and for them. It is painless and productive.

You will be amazed how it will improve your life at home, work and throughout your day. You can make a difference.

For more positive and informing articles on life and business, follow me on my blog at www.Elaine4Success.com. Make a difference.

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