Saturday, October 3, 2009

You Deserve Prosperity

As a professional speaker and a seasoned entrepreneur, I have experienced various challenges and various attitudes in my career.
As a professional speaker, it warms my heart to see audiences come alive. When people truly “get it” and understand that they not only can but should be happy and prosperous, it is so rewarding. One of the things which gives me so much pleasure is knowing that I am providing value, inspiration and enjoyment to my audiences. Providing positive information which people can directly and immediately apply to their lives gives value to them and satisfaction to me. One of the ways to know that you are in the right profession is the feeling that you enjoy what you do so much that you look forward to each new day.
Dr. Srikumar Roa, noted professor of Columbia Business School and the London Business School. Spoke in the September, 2009 Success magazine cd about his philosophy. He advocates knowing you are doing fulfilling work when you are so grateful that you feel like going down on your knees in gratitude. This deep sense of fulfillment provides the creativity to move your business and your life forward.
Speaking gives me that feeling of pleasure and excitement.
Some experts have even said that if you love your work so much that you would do it for free, then you know you are in the right place doing the right thing. Now I am not advocating that you stop earning a living, but it is a serious check on your feelings toward your career and your life.
My entrepreneurial career has spanned decades. I can honestly say that I have loved the adventure and growth achieved from all of my various professional challenges. Something good comes from absolutely every experience when you truly look for the benefit. Seek the frustration and disappointment and you will find exactly that. Seek growth and potential value in each challenge and you will find precisely that value.
My professional career started on my 21st birthday when I walked into the law class of 40 senior high school boys. As a college graduate who was less than 3 years older than the majority of the students in the class, it was interesting. Add to that the fact that I am very feminine and my last name is LOVE. Yes, it provided varied reactions within the group.
Next I managed a chain of Goodyear tire dealerships in Detroit Michigan in the 60s and 70s. Once again, a challenge. Being a feminine lady in a male dominated industry required being the epitome of femininity and professionalism in order to maintain authority.
Owning a property management company in a premier Colorado ski resort and then learning internet marketing as my next two professional endeavors have all provided education and challenge. Fortunately, I have grown as a professional and as a person.
All of this knowledge, experience and passion weave themselves through my professional speaking and my coaching. Effective speeches deal with topics you truly know. Extensive reading, study and personal development enhance the value presented and experienced by the audience. In order to give more, you must become more. My goal is to present value, inspiration and enjoyment to my audiences.
Join me on my blog at and lets grow together.

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