Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Positive Mindset

Success leaves clues and those clues are frequently related to the mindset of the achiever.

“But I want it!” declares the persistent child. The best salesman in the world can not persist longer than an adamant child. Every persuasion tactic in the books and several new ones developed out of necessity on the spur of the moment will be deployed by a determined child. Small children will develop more creativity and more adaptability to any situation. When one approach seems blocked, they employ the ant theory and go around, over, under or through the obstacle.

When Fido wants to play “throw the ball or throw the stick” he will drop the wet gooey object at your feet and stand there eagerly wagging his tail and jumping around until you give in and throw the object. Fido, or at least my son’s Labrador puppy, will persist until his tongue is hanging out and he just can’t run another step without falling over in a heap of exhaustion.

Why can’t people be more like small children, puppies and ants? You say it is their youth and high energy? Perhaps that is a factor but my belief rests more with the persistence and determination. Before society conditions the innocent child to expect rejection and failure, a child believes they are indestructible and that everything is possible. Maybe the time has arrived to rediscover your inner child.

Everything remains possible for the person who is laser focused on exactly what they want. Truly believe you not only can achieve that goal but you absolutely WILL achieve the goal. Employ the determined child attitude of “I will not be denied.” Employ the persistent puppy philosophy of “This is Fun. I want to Play.” Apply the ant demeanor of hurrying forward and going over, under or around every obstacle. Put yourself in the mindset of being excited about your goal and absolutely knowing with every fiber of you being that the goal is already yours. It is already accomplished. See it happily finished in your mind. Smile and enjoy the feeling. Celebrate. Hold that joyous feeling.

Apply that laser focus on learning everything possible about your target goal. Read books, go to live seminars, ask others who have succeeded and network with positive minded and goal oriented people. Study personal development as well as every aspect of your potential business. Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, says to “work harder on yourself than you do on your business.” Focus your mind on believing you have achieved and will continue to achieve. Persist in developing a plan to go from exactly where you are to exactly where you choose to go. Set time frames for every milestone in the success path. Record everything in your journal. Do not use your head for a filing cabinet. Read, study and persist on that plan.

Once you learn everything you possibly can learn, TAKE ACTION. Nothing changes until you take action. All of the thoughts in the world are non-productive until you put them into action.

Everything starts with your thoughts, your beliefs and your feelings. Passion is the key. The small child passionately demands. The puppy persists unendingly. The ant either finds a way or dies trying. Revive the passion and persistence. Bring back your inner child. Everything is possible for the laser focused and determined individual. It all starts in your head. Unless your head and heart are in the game, YOU are not in the game.

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