Friday, October 9, 2009

Success Strategies

There is gold dust in the air. Fix your mind firmly on prosperity and abundance and the air surrounding you will be permeated with gold dust. Your attitude about a situation creates your reality. Wayne Dyer, international speaker and author, reminds us that when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

At the beginning of the economic decline, nice was to say the beginning of the recession, a real estate sales meeting revealed shocking results. One salesman had over 400% better results than anyone else in the district. During his interview it was revealed that his success strategies were two fold. He declared that there was gold dust in the air and proceeded to conduct his business as if that were a fact. He then called every one of the customers in his file and told them that now is the time to buy since the prices were down. Since he believed the economic change was a good thing for him, it became a good thing. His mental success training gave him a powerful edge over the competition.

Since he chose a strategy for success which focused on using the current economic situation as an advantage, it became an advantage. If you think the economy is closing a door for you, change the way you look at the situation and the door will swing wide open. Do not get caught in a half closed door when it could be a wide open door for you. There is gold dust in the air if you adopt that mindset as your success strategy.

When others are backing away from prospecting for opens the door for you to lunge forward with your success building activities. Change your mindset to focus on the potential good in every situation and you will find an abundance of prosperity rather than lack. You will always receive more of whatever you give your time, energy and focus.

Tony Robbins, noted personal development trainer and author, says, "Where focus goes, energy flows." Focus on the potential success. Success training is a personal activity. When you stop looking outside yourself and instead focus inside yourself, you will find the gold dust in the air.

Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, speaks of a man who said, "If someone would just come along and turn me on", everything would be good. What if they don't show up? You need to have a better success strategy than that.

In the Bible there is the story of the talents. In that case, they were speaking of talents as a measure of money or value. Personally I believe that your greatest talent is your mindset. When you have a success building strategy which focuses on the positive potential in every situation, you will discover the gold dust in the air. Your personal talents will indeed become your financial talents.

Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer and the Bible all teach the same success building principles. Focus your energy on a positive attitudes and look for the good in every situation. With the mindset of finding gold dust in the air, there will be prosperity in abundance for you.

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