Friday, December 25, 2009

Attitude as a Rock in Your Success Path

"Rock your world" implies a positive image. Everyone responds enthusiastically to having their world rocked in a pleasurable way. Surprises you receive on your birthday and Christmas present delightful thoughts. You expect birthday and Christmas surprises to rock your world in a happy manner.

When the boss says, "Come in to my office, we need to talk" that uncertain surprise conveys an entirely different thought pattern. Your first thought frequently hovers around the apprehensive as you anticipate that conversation. That little talk with your boss has the potential of being a rock in your career path.

The words are similar since both could "rock your world" but the instant mental image is 180 degrees apart. The difference is more than just the words; it is the tone and the particular setting. Birthday and Christmas are automatically anticipated to be delightful expectations. An encounter with the boss conveys apprehension.

How much of our life do we pre-determine through our expectations? Unconsciously we set the stage for our experiences. How much do we actually contribute to the rocks in our path to success? Are we constructing our own rock slide avalanche?

Our own attitude determines more of our results than we like to admit. We choose to expect positive or negative results from every situation in our life. Does the situation change? No, our attitude and expectation change with each situation. You may accidentally be constructing your own rocks in your success path due to your attitude.

Attitude Checklist
1. What decision have you made about your attitude for today?
2. Did you decide last night, early this morning or in the heat of the moment?
3. Describe your exact decision.
4. Write out the one discipline you must practice each and every day to maintain that positive attitude.
5. List the old programming, family history or events influencing your daily attitude.

Life revolves around your internal attitudes and feelings, not what happens in the outside world. What happens to you and what other people think is never as important as what you think and feel. Your attitude truly is within your control.

David Neagle went from a fork lift operator who possessed a rotten attitude about everything to a very positive person about everything. His income directly reflected his correlating attitudes. A bad attitude translated to a very low bank account; an extremely positive attitude reflected an extremely plush bank account. The one major difference was his attitude. Attitude is a choice. Every day and every situation you have the opportunity to select your attitude. Making a firm decision to maintain a great attitude in advance of a ticklish situation creates a much higher likelihood of a positive result.

A recent study of teens who chose to take drugs or avoid drugs revealed an amazingly simple fact. The teens were from similar neighborhoods, similar economic backgrounds, similar academic achievements and similar religious backgrounds. The only difference between the teens who took drugs and the teens who did not take drugs was one simple fact. The teens who did not take drugs made a conscious decision prior to the heat of the moment.

Making a decision to have a positive attitude directly relates to the choice to take or not take drugs. When a firm decision is made in advance, the positive results are far more likely. Decide right now to maintain a positive attitude and resolve to uphold that decision no matter what happens. The simple act of deciding in advance creates a stronghold for victory.

You have the ability to prevent some rocks in your path to success simply by choosing a positive attitude and resolving to maintain that decision. Will it remove all rocks? No, but why create unnecessary impediments? Success has enough challenges without creating your own rock blocks.

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