Sunday, December 13, 2009

Instant Success

In this day of instant coffee, fast food, and cell phones with internet attached to our hips, is it any wonder that people also expect instant business success? Monty Hall stated it best, “Actually, I’m an overnight success. But it took twenty years.”

We hear about actresses being discovered working at a soda fountain or network marketing sensations making tens of thousands in their first thirty days. Everyone wants that miracle instant superstar to be them. As Paul Harvey said every day on his radio broadcast, “now, for the rest of the story.” The rest of the story usually reveals that the “lucky instant superstar” spent years studying their craft and perhaps years in other related businesses learning, making mistakes, and perfecting their presentations.

Can it happen to be an overnight success? Yes, but the odds are about the same as winning the lottery – 50 million to one. The best advice you will ever receive centers on learning everything you can wrap your mind around, reading about your chosen field, masterminding with successful people in your industry and working on yourself. Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, always reminded us to “work harder on yourself than you do on your business.”

Instant success rarely occurs. Mark Spitz, considered the swiftest swimmer of all time, did not jump in the swimming pool at age 22 and automatically develop the technique necessary to win seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympics. From the time he was a small child; he was swimming and winning medals. Success takes time, practice and dedication.

Evelyn Ashford, 1957 Olympic sprinter, won four gold medals. Evelyn’s high school did not have a girl’s track team. The football coach saw her running and enticed her to run against his star athletes in order to motivate them. The other kids were amused watching the boys struggling to keep up with her running. Even then, she was winning against all the boys. Motivation comes from many sources but success comes from continual practice and perfection of your craft.

The violin master performed a magnificent concert. An admiring fan rushed back stage to greet the master with the exclamation, “I would give my life to play like that.” The master quietly smiled and stated, “Madam, I did.” Success is not an accident, nor an overnight occurrence. The true masters of their craft have devoted numerous hours of intense focus and dedication.

Business follows exactly the same format. Study success. Read biographies of successful people in various industries, but especially your chosen industry. Read books written by successful individuals in your chosen field of endeavor. Listen to audio recordings of the top leaders when you exercise or drive. Attend live events to not only listen to their presentation but to have an opportunity to meet them personally. Take notes whenever you read or listen. Mastermind with other like minded individuals; fill your mind with positive thoughts from prosperity minded people.

Focusing on success means being highly aware of whose company you keep and whose words you allow to penetrate your mind. Consciously or unconsciously, the words and attitudes of those with whom you associate will impact your life. Success is a continual process of focusing your time, attention, thoughts and actions on forward progress toward your goal.

Remember the old nursery story of the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise won the race because of steady progress toward the goal. Success may involve sprinting if you so choose but it bears more resemblance to a marathon. Success is a journey rather than a brief dash. Instant success sounds delightful; however, reality depicts a steady progress toward a worthy goal.

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Instant Success

Success Strategy

Success Management

Business Success

Keywords: success, Instant Success, Success Strategy, Success Management, Business Success, Jim Rohn, Mark Spitz, Evelyn Ashford, Paul Harvey, Monty Hall, Elaine Love,


Business – Mindset

Career Advice


Speaking & Writing – Motivational


Self Improvement

Self Improvement – Achievement





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