Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Oh Why

The driving force in any accomplishment resides dead center in the “why.” Why do you choose to do any particular business or activity? What driving force creates the passion for you?

When the burning desire within your heart and soul contains more intensity than the fear of doing something new, you will take action. Assess the cost of staying where you are at the moment.

Where do you see your life a year from now if you stay exactly where you are now and continue doing exactly what you are doing now? If you keep your life on exactly its current track, where do you see yourself five years from now? Will that make you happy? Will that result make your family proud of you?

If your answer to those questions leaves you a bit disappointed or even depressed, then the time has come for action. Nothing improves unless you take action.

Consider for a moment if anything is possible, truly anything is possible. Where would you imagine your life to be a year from now? Nothing is impossible in your dreams and imagination. Go ahead and allow yourself to dream for a moment. Your heartfelt desires constitute a powerful force. Not only are your desires powerful, but the reason fueling those desires also constitutes a powerful motivation. Your driving force, your passionate reason for striving, is your “why.” Why risk? Why step out of your comfort zone and reach for potential goals?
When the why is powerful, the how becomes easy. With a strong why, no obstacle looms too large. A weak and wimpy why allows you to quit at the first little bump in the road.

As a single mother with zero family or child support, my why was monumental. I looked deeply into the hopeful and trusting eyes of my one and three year old sons and knew success was the only option. I had no idea how I would do what needed to be done to take care of them. We were barely scraping by from check to check. We were so broke that we could not afford to drive to the grocery store; we walked and took the little red wagon and pretended it was a fun choice. Our treat every pay day was to buy an ice cream cone and share it.

Doug and Dan constituted an extremely powerful “why” for me. Nothing would have stood in my way as too large an obstacle. I would go over it, under it, through it, or around it but I would reach my goal. My goal was a better life for those two little guys. With such a powerful “why,” success was guaranteed.

When your reason for striving and achieving, your “why,” looms large enough on your priority list, challenges are only minor inconveniences. With an absolute commitment to success no matter what appears in your path, you will succeed. With an “I’ll give it a try” mindset, every minor bump in the road presents an excuse to quit. You can either make excuses or achieve success. This really is an either / or choice. You can not have both excuses and success.

Look deep into your heart and determine your “why.” What is the most powerful driving force in your life? The problem with most folks is that they stop dreaming and striving and just settle. When it comes to your final days, do you want to face your life and say you just settled? Do you want to say you played the game of life flat out and achieved? Whether your settle or play flat out depends on the strength and passion in your “why.”

If you need help in determining your true driving force, lets talk. Join me at Together we will discover your “why” and take action to make your goals come true.

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