Friday, December 11, 2009

Build Self Confidence

Mindset determines your results. The lack of self confidence throws a massive road block in your path to success. With or without your intention, your self confidence or lack of it will transmit into your results. The vibration we emit to others directly relates to our degree of self confidence.

In the early years when I owned the property management company in Steamboat I achieved several high honors from the industry. My business prospered more and more each year. My situation parallels many other successful business people whose business declined in direct relation to the beginning of personal problems. Business success directly related to the success within their personal life. At the point I entered into a relationship with a very successful man, my business began to suffer. He constantly reminded me how small my business was in comparison to other businesses within my management association. He pointed out how other management companies in other states were far larger and thus far more successful than my property management company. I ALLOWED this negative comparison to erode my self confidence in myself and my business. As I allowed these negative thoughts to undermine my self confidence, my business soon began to decline.

Note that I take full responsibility for the decline of my business and the erosion of my self confidence. Never underestimate the power of the words, attitudes and influence of those around you. Not only does your income seem to become the average of the five closest people to you, but their attitudes and influence generally impact your attitudes and thus your results. Quite frequently business success parallels personal self confidence.

Personal attitudes, self confidence and financial results seek the same level. Just as water seeks its own level, so does your business success seek a level with your self confidence.

Examine your life, your results and your self confidence. You will probably find a direct correlation in your life. In this time of economic turmoil, lack of self confidence abounds. Solutions do exist. For me, it took some serious personal development to overcome the decline in self confidence. Yes, I also removed myself from the negative mental relationship.

Jim Rohn, noted business philosopher, remarked that there are people you can spend five minutes with but not five hours. There are others with whom you can spend a day but not a week. Guard your associations and their influence upon you carefully. Associate with people who challenge you to improve your attitude, self confidence and achievements. Spend your time reading empowering books, listening to positive cds, and speaking with growth and achievement oriented individuals. Rebuild your self confidence.

Success is an inside game. Every positive thought inspires another positive thought which forms a chain reaction of empowerment and encouragement. If a hesitant or negative thought creeps into your mind, immediately reframe it as a positive. Your mind exists as a marvelous tool for your good or your downfall; you choose which one by your thoughts and your associations.

Start every day and end every day with positive affirmations. Recall every success from your past no matter how small and celebrate them. Recapture that feeling of happiness and self confidence. Any time you experience hesitation recall that feeling of success and feel the joy all over again. At the end of the day write down every success, no matter how small, which occurred throughout the day. Each morning before you arise, refresh you mind with those successes and resolve to create more in the new day.

Your mindset and your self confidence propel you forward or backward. Focus on the direction you choose to go and your subconscious mind will assist you. Become the example of self confidence and success you choose for yourself. You will receive the bonus not only of your own success but also of providing the success path for others to follow.

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