Friday, August 21, 2009

Always Be Growing - Live Life to the Fullest

Growing means stepping out of your comfort zone and learning something new. It is not about doing something because you think you should, but genuinely because you choose to stretch and grow.

New Years Resolutions fail because people are declaring something they think they should do rather than having the passionate commitment to really make it happen. Without the passion, it is easy to give up at the first bump in the road.

Remember when you were a small child and “anything was possible.” Then we allowed life to strangle some of our dreams until they almost died. I say almost, because somewhere in the back of your mind and heart that dream still flickers. We have thrown cold water on it so many times that it may only have one ember left. If you fan the flame and believe in yourself again, that ember can become a flicker and then a full roaring flame.

Do you really want to arrive at your last days with a ton of regret? Or do you want to smile a tired but happy smile and declare “Wow, what a ride. I really gave my dreams a chance to thrive and blossom.” You never know what you can accomplish unless you give yourself a chance.

When we were young, some of us made a list of 100 things on our goal list. We wrote down the names of places we wanted to go and things we wanted to do. How many do you still have on your list? If you haven’t made that list yet, start writing or typing right NOW. Let your mind roam free and record all of your dreams and goals.

Take yourself back to that childlike “anything is possible” mindset and put your dreams on paper. Just the act of allowing yourself to dream and feel and fantasize about accomplishing them will put a smile in your heart.

Now pick out one and decide to make it come true.

Napoleon Hill wrote, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” You deserve to have joy and peace of mind and accomplishment in your life. Yes, YOU. You deserve to live a full rich life. Allow yourself to dream a little and picture yourself accomplishing whatever it was that you chose. Feel the feelings of accomplishing that goal. Experience the joy. It starts in your conscious mind and then your subconscious mind and then your reality. If you truly want it and believe you can have it, you will find a way to do exactly that. What could it possibly hurt to dream a little and live a little – even if it is just in your mind and imagination for now?

Grandma Moses started painting in her 70s after her hands would no longer allow her to crochet. John Glenn flew the space mission Discovery to the moon at the age of 77. Wipe that “age” excuse off the slate. Be creative. Have fun. Live life to the fullest. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled.

I am not even close to a rocking chair unless it is to rock a tiny grandchild to sleep. I love my life and I love living life to the fullest. I am still learning and growing. How about you?

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