Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Consistent Words and Intention

In yesterday’s discussion we spoke about “giving makes you rich.” Another key element to that theme is the mindset for prosperity. There must be consistency.

If someone says, “I want to be rich” and at the same time condemns everyone who is rich, that is a conflict. If there is envy or jealousy or even outright criticism of the rich, then the subconscious mind can not create the opportunity for wealth. Statements such as “filthy money” or “there is virtue in poverty” will absolutely block the flow of prosperity to you. Analyze your statements and your thoughts. What words are you using in your thoughts and speech about money? Are the words consistent with your affirmed goal of prosperity?

Having a conflict like that is the same as saying I want to lose weight and then sitting down to eat a pan of brownies and a gallon of ice cream. You will NOT lose weight with such a major conflict.

There are two books I have read lately which really emphasize the prosperity secrets; “Prosperity Secrets of the Ages” by Catherine Ponder and “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Dr. Joseph Murphy (later revised by Ian McMahan) are totally in agreement that it is your mindset which is the ultimate controlling factor.

When I first started on this journey of personal development, I discovered that I had deserveability issues. Old programming from childhood had created unconscious blocks. Simply stated, I was getting in my own way of creating prosperity. In order for me to be able to create the wealth I desired and deserved, I had to readjust my thinking. The old programming needed to be erased and replaced with new.

We all know about the law of attraction. We attract more of whatever we give our time, energy and focus. We also know Napoleon Hill’s famous quote, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Both of these are absolutely true. Our job is to be absolutely certain that we are consistent in what we say we desire and what we speak to ourselves and others about that desire.

Learn to bless and forgive every successful person and every wealthy person. When you speak and think prosperity and increase for them, you are opening the door for prosperity and wealth for yourself as well. Be conscious of all of your thoughts and words relative to money and those who possess money. When you hold totally positive thoughts for them and affirm the same for yourself, you create opportunities for your own wealth.

Amazing that the secret can be so very simple. It is all within your control at this very minute. You can turn your circumstances from lack to prosperity simply by controlling your own mind. Even if you do everything else right, but have the wrong thoughts and feelings, you will not prosper.

Control you mind and you control your future. Be consistent in thoughts, feelings and words of prosperity to one and all. You will achieve all of your dreams and goals.

1 comment:

  1. Elaine,

    Awesome positive inspiring content. You are really getting your written voice here this month! And it is so you and authentic! When you were referencing books I couldn't help but think about T. Harv Eker's book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind also. Your focus today on consistency is really spot on!

